PTL 2020-11-09

PTL 2020-11-09

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.




Agenda Item

Requested byNotes / Links
1 hour

Cross-project discussions

  • Lasse Kaihlavirta will conduct a trial of changes using the MUSIC project and report results later this month.
  • Lasse Kaihlavirta to update documentation after we have consensus from PTLs and following a discussion

LF IT Support

Testing Environment

Testing Improvement

CSIT Review

ToolChain Improvement


Other Improvement suggestion

Subcommittee Updates for PTLs

SECCOM update

deferrred to next week

Sharing Best Practices

15 minsRelease status

  • Jessica Gonzalez to examine improvements to self-release process and share findings in January
5 minsUpcoming Events

10 minsRemaining Action Items

Zoom Chat Log 

06:16:58 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Yes
06:17:28 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Gating is our priority first 
06:17:38 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : 1.7.8 will be released soon 
06:18:55 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : We are having a daily meeting with the developers 
06:19:07 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : And key contributord
06:19:17 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Please send me your phone number 
06:19:24 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : I will add you to the group 
06:19:38 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Sorry not in a good position to talk 
06:20:53 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Rocket chat is found issues with the calling and mobile application, it also supports the web mode
06:21:09 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : What's app I mean 
06:21:42 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : Supports the webchat and file sharing 
06:22:23 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : slack supports web, mobile app, desktop app and filesharing.
06:22:56 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) :  I'm on slack too
06:23:00 From Sylvain Desbureaux : As far as I remember, Slack was forbidden within AT&T
06:25:10 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : can someone confirm that please?  please try this invite link (invite good for 30 days) https://join.slack.com/t/onapproject/shared_invite/zt-99fj40c4-KIDLM4~VJc2S7yCAvSmNEg
06:25:44 From Jim HAHN (AT&T) : blocked by the AT&T firewall
06:26:53 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : <sigh> so is rocket chat which is why it was set up by the community on a non secure server.
06:27:22 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : And WhatsApp is supported by AT&T?
06:36:55 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : Anyone? ^^
06:38:29 From Sylvain Desbureaux : Slack —> OK
06:38:48 From Sylvain Desbureaux : Yes it’s because of that Kenny ^_^
06:39:25 From SaiSeshu MUDIGANTI (Huawei) : We have few of the att developers on whatsapp group , but I can't comment on the access permissions 
06:57:22 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) : need to drop to start another call.
07:29:52 From Jessica Wagantall : sorry...need to leave for another meeting.. 
07:31:06 From Lasse KAIHLAVIRTA (Samsung) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Docker+Image+Build+Guidelines
07:31:15 From Lasse KAIHLAVIRTA (Samsung) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Independent+Versioning+and+Release+Process
07:31:24 From Lasse KAIHLAVIRTA (Samsung) : https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Release+Versioning+Strategy

Action Items 

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date