Istanbul Exception Request for AAI (Resource Constraint)
Istanbul Exception Request for AAI (Resource Constraint)
Name | @William Reehil |
Milestone or Requirements Exception? | Requirement Exception |
Project or Requirement Name and JIRA | AAI request for exception on REQ-439, AAI-3194, AAI-3292 |
Milestones affected | N/A |
Projects affected | N/A |
Background description | Mainly due to resource and time constraints the below stories were not able to be fully delivered. REQ-439: Direct dependencies AAI-3194: GPLV3 Docker Components found AAI-3292: Sonarcloud : weak-cryptography issues |
Schedule impact | N/A |
Recovery plan | Once Istanbul containers are stable we may attempt resolving more of the issues outlined in the stories herein. Need to get help from community early in Jakarta release for the things we can address. |
Milestone schedule change | N/A |
Risk | Risk #7 - Istanbul Risks |
Status | |
Decision |
, multiple selections available,