5G Use Case Meeting notes for Dec 12, 2019

5G Use Case Meeting notes for Dec 12, 2019



Discussion items


M2 Deadline Deliverables

All in 5G U/C

M2 Deliverables DEADLINE: JAN 21, 2019

R6 Frankfurt Release: Frankfurt Milestone Status

Release Planning Page: Release Planning

M1 Deliverables Checklist: Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

(1) DOCUMENTATION - Documentation (Read the Docs) -

READ THE DOCS: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html


M2 MILESTONE: Functionality freeze

No new visible functionality is to be added to the current ONAP release.

Each Use Case Project team has defined and documented their Functional Test Cases.

The vendor equipment has been delivered.

A stable document describing the API is documented and available in wiki.

Base set of impacts to VNF Requirements identified by use case/ project.


M3 MILESTONE: API & data model freeze.

Mark the end of API and Data Model change. API and Data Model are now Frozen.

Any changes to the API must be brought to the knowledge of the TSC for review and approval.

50% of Functional Test Case are automated.

ORAN ONAP Plugfest DemosAll in 5G U/C

ORAN/ONAP Plugfest held Thurs Dec 5, 2019 (AM EDT UTC-4 USA) at Rutgers WIN Lab (Brunswick NJ).

Official WIKI Site: https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/x/egBv



RunTime Config DB

Architecture S/C presentation for Run Time DB.

Team is working to define the Proposal (see wiki).

Then it will be presented at the Arch S/C and then TSC.

For R6 will be part of CC-SDK. Met with Yuriy Malakov  & Dan Timoney . CONFIGURATION PERSISTENCE SERVICE R6

not a separate component in R6.

Network Slicing R6 Proposal

Update on slicing proposal. SO/Seshu presented.

Multiple functional requirements/Use Cases. Recursive orchestration of nested services. Didn't want independent W/F for flows but try to leverage/reuse work. Presented the End to End U/C with macro-view for E2E slice. and components impacted. Right now impact will be on SO, OOF, Policy, SDC and AAI. What controller will be used for managing slices? Focusing on design aspects and instantiation and activation. Put up logical E2E slice. Target simple VNFs. Focus to create VNF vs reconfiguring a VNF? Slice segments are going to be both dedicated/shared. Started with discovering existing resources; assume segments created with VNF/PNFs in inventory & discoverable. Spinup new slice instances.

Presentation/slides at: NETWORK SLICING PoC in R6 Frankfurt (Obsolete)

  • Discussing Modeling aspects, how to represent CSI, NSSI, NSSMF etc how to implement in SO how to communicate w/ external domain NSSMF.
  • WEEKLY Meetings have been setup.

Discussion: Milind Jalwadi (Unlicensed)

  • JSON based screens for VID, Is there a slicing GUI that could be re-used.
  • would want to upstream that NSST NSSD
  • Part of the Network Slicing Use Case.

Use Case Realization Call: November 20, 2019 for Network Slicing discussion


E2E Network Slicing use case meeting
https://zoom.us/j/125249795 Meeting ID: 125 249 795 One tap mobile +16465588656,,125249795# US (New York) +16699006833,,125249795# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 877 369 0926 US Toll-free 855 880 1246 US Toll-free +1 647 558 0588 Canada 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free Meeting ID: 125 249 795 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adzJlWSfnF
1:30 PM Isreal Time, 6:30 AM EDT.

ORAN/3GPP ONAP Harmonization U/C

Trying to settle on scope of the Use Case. List of many possible contributions that will take more than one release to complete. Impacts for items to be added to wiki (analysis).

Prioritize the work items what we could propose to accomplish.

CM Notify as a new domain has been accepted on the DCAE S/C today Oct 24 2019.

Dongho Kim  will be creating the test/integration page.

- A1 & O1 test integration pages have been added & links.

WoW w/ Model & Arch

Way of Working between Architecture , Modeling Subcommittee & Use Case Teams and what happens and touchpoints at M0/M1/M2/M3.

Use Case Template5G U/C Team

Use Case Template - discuss updating the Use Case template & pages with some of these fields. Modeling team has said it would be useful for them to have the pre-condition & post-conditions, and information being passed (info-flows) documented.

Use Case Template

Filling out, describing and creating the Wiki for a Use Case

Use Case Tracking Template and Use Case Template

Proposed Functional Template for Use Cases

Ben talked w/ Andy Mayer U/CR call Oct 23. He said he is preparing the page, and would present here at the 5G U/C S/C call.

5G Service Modeling, , PM Dictionary, 5G NRM

5G U/C teams

Chaker Al-Hakim - History Inventory resources associated w/ xNF. Assumptions: what are the resources that I need to inventory about a xNF so that I have a complete view of the VNF. parms added due to nature of VNF. resource inventory didn't have to do with provisioning data that the xNF can have. Should be evolved to reflect what we know today.

PNF Pre-onboarding/ onboarding

PNF U/C teams

PNF / SW Upgrade

Zu Qiang

Reviewed with SO team.

Preparing for DDF. will discuss with Change Management team, might be presenting.


5G/ Bulk PM

PNF / NetConf

Oskar MalmPreparing presentations at DDF in Prague in DDF for BulkPM in Jan 2020.
PNF / Plug and PlayBenjamin Cheung

held meeting for discussing Civic Address elements & Geolocation information w/ the modeling S/C

PnP - PNFD/SDC AID/AAI Schema Modeling - Discussion Dec 12, 2019

Eventually will the PNFregistration VES event for PnP (R7).

SO presentations related to Building block definitions.

R6 Use Case VS RequirementsAll in 5G U/C

TSC Release Page.

Frankfurt Release Requirements

WHAT IS A USE CASE VS A REQUIREMENT? In the REQUIREMENTS Table of the R6 Release Requirements Wiki (above) the Use Case requirements as discussed on the TSC call for Sept 12, and David McBride has asked that we have requirements (jiras) on separate rows. Further follow-up discussions will be had for "what is a use case" and if some of the 5G use cases should be moved up to the first table.

5G Service Modeling U/CBenjamin Cheung


CDS Data dictionary - Define attribute, in that entry tells you how to get that value. Yuriy Malakov

If you needed the IP@ you can go that entry → points to the REST call. Used for instantiation and configuration management. Model driven ONAP. Modeling Concepts

3GPP TS28.541/TS28.540 - 5G NRM Network Resource Model analysis (spreadsheet). Looking parameters introduce

Classify parameters - CDS Data Dictionary, A&AI, RunTime DB.

Presentations - Modeling S/C, U/C S/C, U/C Realization, 5G U/C.

Modeling S/C - Experimental info model introduced (standards driven)

A&AI - classification of A&AI parameters. Commission (might need at installation & commissioning) → A&AI.

Onboarding - Onboarding, PNF PNFregistration, CMNotify (VES events), Pre-defined "load 3GPP model"

Information Flows - Where these might be used.

ORAN Standards - Usage of the 3GPP TS28.541 in ORAN Standards. Might want to consider which 3GPP parameters ORAN cares about & when. They might an opinion of when to incorporate parameters.




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