ONAP Service IM Minutes 20191120

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20191120


@guochuyi @Xu Yang @Dave Milham @Andy Mayer @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Michela Bevilacqua


Introduce TMForum Network slicing model work- Dave Milham and Andy


  • TMF has 5G Catalyst projects, like 5G Riders on the Storm, 5G Optimized Capacity & E2E Experience, etc., TMF works focus more on customer & E2E service management, has NaaS API used at resource-facing service management northbound, and between customer management layer and E2E service management layer.

  • In the slides, TMF proposes to differ E2E service management (for CFS) and resource management (for RFS). Resources refers 3GPP or MEF etc., one resource domain relates to multiple technical domains. The fuction of Resource Service Management & Orchestration is like EMS and can be optional, TMF 664 tells the API and configurations when it cross technical domains.

  • Service management models include service specification,  CFS specification, connectivity service specification, and service configuration; resource management models include RFS specification and resource function specification. Service management models refer SID, resource management models can refer other SDOs. Connectivity service is an abstract conception from TMF between service management and resource management, it will expose SAP TP CP outside.

  • TMF has work for mapping user requirements(refer GSMA) to slice services(refer 3GPP), more focus is service configuration between CFS and RFS, related JSON schema has been published in the github https://github.com/5g-ridersonthestorm/gsma-gst . 

  • TMF guys expect to have some interaction with ONAP on TMF 664 and the JSON schema to test if the work has remained problems, they have people would like to engaged in the interaction part with ONAP. 

