Modeling 2019-10-22

Modeling 2019-10-22

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Oct 22, 2019

2019 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Oct 22, 2019

2019 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links




@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

PNF Software Version  (@Fei Zhang (Ericsson) )

  •  ONAP TSC need 1 more week, review  before forwarding registration request to ETSI.

  • Future proposal to send to the TSC list before TSC meeting between Tuesday and Thursday.

Use the established wiki page for capturing modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve

Also refer to Approved ONAP Model Governance

Integrate Glossary Provided by Modeling Subcommittee


  • Review: The Glossary of Modeling Subcommittee

  • Explore using the approved information model as a basis for the Glossary. Can GenDoc be used to create a Glossary based on IM Class Descriptions?


Resource IM report

@Xu Yang

@Kevin Scaggs

ONAP R6 Resource IM Call 2019-10-21

Offline coordination are needed because strong contradiction about license management topic.

2019-10-08 ONAP Architecture Meeting: "Archcom recommends the following principle: "xNF capacity and feature license management is outside of the scope of the ONAP functionality." for now. "


Service IM report


ONAP Service IM Minutes 20191009

Discussed service KPI monitoring

1) check the streth goal.

2) service model question from Michela should be answered asap.

3) wiat for DM contribution



@Kevin Scaggs

nothing to report


 RE for A&AI

@James Forsyth

@Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]


Documenting ONAP APIs

@Andy Mayer

Developing ONAP API Documentation

kick off Weekly calls begin on Friday 18 October

some feedback from Orange and EXTAPI, pros and cons will be discussed next time. how guideline and enforcement.

Ask for review and comments, and feedback

Meeting minutes for ONAP API Documentation call: 2019-10-18 API Docs Meeting Notes


Modeling and Use Cases

@Benjamin Cheung

@Andy Mayer

Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling

Proposed Functional Template for Use Cases


Zoom Chat Log

No chat log this week