Modeling 2019-01-11

Modeling 2019-01-11

Meeting Info:

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Dec 18, 2018

2018 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Dec 18, 2018

2018 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

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Agenda Item

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@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

Welcome and Plan


SOL001 Progress report

@Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed)

@Anatoly Katzman


 the committee agreed

1) @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) will lead 1st task force working on #1,#2 recommendations:

Recommend#1: member companies prepare and submit these additional extension to ETSI NFV IFA and SOL WG toward v2.6.1 or later. (agreed)
Recommend#2: ONAP adopts SOL001 Type extension method, per clause 5.6 (agreed)

2) @Former user (Deleted) @victor gao will lead 2nd task  working on $4 recommendation:

Recommend #4: SDC supports SOL001 v2.5.1 type definitions (VNFD, PNFD, NSD) (agreed)

3) @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) will report NSD comparision with service csar in 2 weeks, 

All 3 work will be reported to Anatoly weekly DM conference call, Anatoly will ask final approval from Modeling subcommittee 


Agreement on ??


1) @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) will lead 1st task force working on #1,#2 recommendations:

Recommend#1: member companies prepare and submit these additional extension to ETSI NFV IFA and SOL WG toward v2.6.1 or later. (agreed) Recommend#2: ONAP adopts SOL001 Type extension method, per clause 5.6 (agreed)

2) @Former user (Deleted) @victor gao will lead 2nd task  working on $4 recommendation:

Recommend #4: SDC supports SOL001 v2.5.1 type definitions (VNFD, PNFD, NSD) (agreed)

3) @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) will report NSD comparision with service csar in 2 weeks, 

All 3 work will be reported to Anatoly weekly DM conference call, Anatoly will ask final approval from Modeling subcommittee 

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