Modeling 2019-02-26

Modeling 2019-02-26

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Feb 26, 2019

2019 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Feb 26, 2019

2019 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links




@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

ONS poll: Poll on modeling subcommitee on ONS attendance

2019 Silicon Valley Meeting Proposals

@Andy Mayer to request a short joint meeting with Arch Subcommittee during the Unconference session See: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/Open+Networking+Summit+North+America+2019+-+Un-conference+Topic+Proposals


Modeling Checklist Update

@Andy Mayer

@Hui Deng

Proposal to PTL Team (email) for Dublin. Only include item 2 in the proposed M3 Checklist:

For M3, Please include: "Has the Project team provided links to Data Models (e.g, JSON, YANG, Swagger, etc.) for all Shared Information (e.g., APIs, API Payload, Shared Design Model)?""


Resource IM report

@Kevin Scaggs

@Xu Yang

ONAP R4 Resource IM Call 2019-2-25

IFA 011 v2.5.1 alignment, awaiting internal review.

Call for review and agreement for 2 weeks. to align on-boarding model with latest. (@Hui Deng and @Andy Mayer to send email)

ETSI feedback on ONAP IM proposal. IFA and SOL would like to have regular meetings. Please provide comments on wiki page.

Updates of VNFD, one more week of IM team. May call for agreement next week.

Root class proposal is fairly stable. Please review on wiki.

VES model, still discussion on proposal. Need to work on level of abstraction and possible alignment with other SDOs. Please provide feedback on wiki. @Kevin Scaggs will hold calls to dive deeper into model.


Service IM report

@Lingli Deng


call for approval: the nested service diagram Composite / Atomic Service (@Hui Deng and @Andy Mayer to send email after agreement on refinements during tomorrow's call)

No major feedback on nested service.

Slicing is being work on wiki and email.


DM report

@Anatoly Katzman

Working session took place this week.

Discussion on Service Modeling approaches in ETSI compared to internal model.

Discussion on Modeling of CPs in internal model.

Working on mapping of NSD to ONAP internal service model

Will discuss call for approval during next call of:


https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16345281 https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16343751 https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16342015

@Former user (Deleted) and @Michela Bevilacqua will engage SDC team ( with@Anatoly Katzman ) for VNFD, PNFD. Need someone to commit for NSD part.


R4 High level requirements

@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

ONAP R4 Modeling High Level Requirements are in final state.



@Michela Bevilacqua

The non-MANO artifact sets naming proposal

@Andy Mayer sent for email consensus last week. Will have consensus call next week.

ONAP set identifier



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