LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-02-05
LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-02-05
Meeting at 1100 EST Tue - https://zoom.us/j/519971638
regular zoom has error "meeting in progress" - use my zoom for today https://zoom.us/j/7939937123
Issues with the LF zoom meet for some delegates - may be due to the recent upgrade
Sanjay Agraharam
- Plan for
- current implementation
- Future spec for el-alto for VNFs below
- this week...
- logging work
- Dev environment back up - merging existing library - using vid-app-common as a template for usage of org.onap.portal.sdk
- prepping for splitting repos - 1 per component - will need 8+
- working with dmaap on charts and filebeat
- pylog issues for vfc are transient LF issues - posting response (with multicloud)
- release notes
- scorecard for S3P
- dcaegen2 work in - DCAEGEN2-1166Getting issue details... STATUS under https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/77910/
- questions on logging format onap-discuss including hv-ves I need to address https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/message/14997?p=,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,log,20,2,20,29162034
- Discussion on VNF logs (CLAMP) @Sanjay - with Alok Gupta
- vnf behaviors on top of vnf events
- dmaap TCA like events - look into capturing these
- ?add our own log tracing when VNFs react to events - another tracing EPIC we should look at
- both for VES and non-VES format
- There is a gap in tracing VNF behaviour - via 5G RAN -
- cloud infrastructure logs - vm, k8s and cloud service logs (beyond the vm level) - CNI cloud-native plugins example
- need to think more about combining the logs - at the same time as we currently just capture them.
- Provide log requirements to VNF onboarding team.
- Spondon Dey - feeding in to CL, policy - scaling behaviour - onap to drive more
- Dev environment back up - merging existing library - using vid-app-common as a template for usage of org.onap.portal.sdk
- infrastructure work
- Helm ownership -
- CI/CD - going with Orange MQ robot for oom merges
- Perf and mostly crashloop avoidance
- Deploy changes for RHEL7.6
- Deploy order work
- ARM A1 testing of new containers from dockerhub on AWS
- 80g/vm images - reducing footprint, standard alpine java image, ARM/i64 compat
- Nodeports for dmaap
- Datalake (now part of DCAE) does not yet affect us but it will -
- ONS April conference prep work
- The rest of our backlog is still in progress - M2 is coming up on the 14th
- logging work
- last week....
- get committed resources for the next 2 months M2 to RC0 - so we can state what is in and out of the Dublin release
9 weeks to april 4th- M2 - functionality freeze - 21 Feb
M4 - April 4th
I have taken the liberty of adding some names - feel free to add your availability or edit this section - we will paraphrase it in the M1 report -&nb
- M2 - functionality freeze - 21 Feb