2019-01-23 Control Loop Sub Committee Weekly Meeting

2019-01-23 Control Loop Sub Committee Weekly Meeting

Discussion items 


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Agenda Item

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Align of Dublin Release Goals #1 and #2

@Pamela Dragosh
















@Gervais-Martial Ngueko

@Vijay Kumar

@Pamela Dragosh

@Scott Blandford

@Marco Platania

@Adam Krysiak

@Xin Miao

@Jorge Hernandez

I may have missed some folks - forgot to snap a picture.



  • per @Gervais-Martial Ngueko - issue defining how the policy model will be referenced within the blueprint. Need advice from @Vijay Kumar and @Ofir Sonsino on where the model and id should be located/retrieved from within the Cloudify Blueprint. Will need some development in TOSCA-LAB in SDC to include this new field.

    • Question: Does that model id need to be in the Cloudify Blueprint? DCAE would not need it, CLAMP would like it to be there. Need @Igor Sklyar to help follow up how blueprints can be generated.