vCPE with TOSCA VNF Integration Test - Test status
Test Case ID | Test Case Name | Conclusion, Tosca(Pass/Fail) | Progress & Block Issue(s) |
T001 | Infrastructure | 100% | |
T002 | Tosca vCPE VNFs | 100% | |
T003 | ONAP Installation | 100% | |
T101 | Windriver VIM Registration | 100% | AAI-1920: ESR doesn't support domain name in vnfm registration GUIClosed ESR doesn't support domain name in vnfm registration GUI, currently we just use the IP address to register |
T102 | Create Flavor | 100% | |
T103 | Upload Image to Windriver | 100% | |
T104 | Validate CPE Image in Windriver | 100% | |
T201 | vCPE VNFs Onboarding | 100% | |
T202 | vCPE Service Design | 100% | |
T203 | vCPE VNF and Service distribution | 100% | SDC-1900: 'artifacts' definition is missing in the exported csar's VDU nodeClosed 'artifacts' definition is missing in the exported csar's VDU node ,because SDC postpone this to Dublin release, we only use the workaroud way to handle it |
T301 | VF-C Tosca parser | 100% | SDC-1897: Parser exported CSAR with errorReopened(Will be fixed at Dublin) VFC could ignore that error. To ignore that error, we need either apply the patch at locally in nfv-toscaparser which VFC uses or wait for nfv-toscaparser got that fixed. The output vnf package from SDC is not ETSI alignment, we just use the standard package under Artifact/Deployment/OTHERS directory VF-C would like SDC can support export ETSI standard VNF and NS package |
T302 | vCPE Service Creation | 100% | One simple Service with simple vCPE vnf has been created successfully MULTICLOUD-405: Metadata format is not rightClosed VFC-1188: Encode user data by base64Closed MULTICLOUD-407: Openstack user data import failClosed VFC-1193: Get flavor Id from OOFClosed SO-1235: SO bpmn execution errorClosed when updating the SO images in vCPE env. And the error is the same Because SO can't work now , we use UUI to trigger the NS lifecycle management SO-1239: SO API doesn't register to MSBClosed vCPE service with five vCPE vnfs have been created successfully |
T303 | vCPE Service Termination | 100% | One simple Service with simple vCPE vnf has been terminated successfully vCPE Service with five vCPE vnfs have been terminated successfully |
T304 | vCPE VNF heal | 100% | VNF Heal success |
T305 | HPA Verification | 100% | SRIOV-NIC and base capabilities had been registered |
T306 | HPA policy | 100% | optional |
T307 | OOF compare | 100% | OPTFRA-401: Need flavor id while launching vmClosed optional |
package onboarding
VNF Packages:
NS Packages:Video