10-10-2018 Control Loop Sub Committee Weekly Meeting

10-10-2018 Control Loop Sub Committee Weekly Meeting

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Ben Cheung - artifacts for SDC Dublin

@Benjamin Cheung
















  • Casablanca testing status - @Vijay Kumar@Pamela Dragosh and @Gervais-Martial Ngueko.

    • Heat completed testing with manual changes.

    • DCAE has fixes in for configuration and one pending.

    • OOM environment fixes for AAF certificates - need this work to come in order to finish/complete pairwise testing.

@Benjamin Cheung - Discussion regarding PNF VES artifact uploads. How to engage the projects to support building control loops from these artifacts for Dublin.


Map to Meta-data connected to Service to be instantiated for ACTION: DCAE to connect between service & file. What DCAE component will read this information. Who is consuming the information. SERVICE CHANGE HANDLER is the DCAE “LISTENER” of SDC. Anyone can consume the SDC notifications. Do they expect same format? ACTION: Does SDC need to do Modifications or processing? [FM] no additional mapping [PM]. Does DCAE-DS or DCAE need any modification to consume the data. SUBSCRIBING - Subscribing to information. (1) new ARTIFACT TYPE can subscribe to that new type, DCAE makes new service, knows to download the new type, (2) all is packaged in the CSAR package. ARTIFACT TYPE: Application that receives the artifact needs to know what it is. Will DCAE try one way to read, or another. QUESTION do we need a new Artifact Type or can we reuse the DCAE_TOSCA, DCAE_JSON.?

@Vijay Kumar and @Gervais-Martial Ngueko - will work on the questions from Ben and the SDC team for next weeks call.

@Vijay Kumar has volunteered to run the call next week while Pam is on vacation.