Modeling 2018-10-02

Modeling 2018-10-02

Meeting Info:

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Oct 2, 2018

2018 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Oct 2, 2018

2018 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

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Agenda Item

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Notes / Links




@Andy Mayer


 Resource IM report

 @Xu Yang

No Resource IM meeting this week

VNFD & Resource model loaded to master branch. Draft documentation in Readthedocs


 Service IM report

 @Lingli Deng

Plan to update the Service model

Updates to Service Order posted to discussion wiki.

See: Service Order


 Internal DM report

 @Anatoly Katzman

Discussions around internal model and relationship to SOL001 over the last week

Question: where is the data model (TOSCA) for the on-boarding VNFD based on the R3 IM documented?

It is the R2+ Resource DM found here:

ONAP R2+ Design-Time Resource DM clean version


How to put target DM items in the wiki

@Chesla Wechsler

How do we represent Target data models on the wiki?

Do we have one IM for both on-boarding and internal? They can be different sub-models within the single Info Models. Inter-relationships of sub-models may be provided.

Need to understand Target to have component impact on each release to move closer to the target.

Describe common constructs and define extensiblity mechanism in the DM

Materials referenced:

Distinguish target (not release specific) info/data models from release specific.

Distinguish internal representation from (multiple) onboarding representations.

Do we have one information model:

- if so, then onboarding VNF Descriptor and internal VNF model need to be described as two separate entities, for example

- if not, then would there be a need for an internal info modeling effort (we leaped straight to data model)?

Assuming one info model with specificity around internal vs. onboarding:


   - info model

   - internal data model

   - onboarding data models (i.e., acceptable inputs to onboarding)

     - SOL001

     - SOL00X (Yang)

     - HEAT

Per Release

   - Casablanca

   - Dublin


Proposed ONAP Modeling Process

@Kevin Scaggs

Can link to proposed material within in-line comments.

In-line comments allow traceability and track ability of specific issues. Wiki mechanism will provide notification of those tagged in the comment.

Template for Input modeling.

Open Issue tracking status. Can use in-line comments.

Does comment persist if wiki comment material is deleted?

Need to maintain list of members of sub-team

Use of "Faulty" state in ONAP.

Post proposal PPT to wiki.

Action items

 @Kevin Scaggs to post Proposed ONAP Modeling Process PPT on the wiki
@Chesla Wechsler will post material on How to put target DM items in the wiki

Agreement on ??

Zoom Chat Log 
