LOG Meeting Minutes 2017-11-07



  • Discussed

  • Discuss delimiter, new line, mdc name/value pairs

  • Discuss producers (devs) as well as consumers (ops) AT&T and Bell - need to handle ops as well as NBI clients - from an indexing/parsing perspective

  • Discuss use case where indexing fails and ops reads the logs directly

  • Allow for default and new format toggling - could have dual appenders/or subdirs for both formats until R2? - see MSO for example in ONAP Log Locations

  • maintain backward compatabilty with EELF

  • Standardize in the future on logger names not different files

  • Need to rework standard directory issue

  • Review log eviction policy for emptyDir and dockerdata-nfs outputs

  • Check ELK container logstash HD 

  • Compare overhead of logging over NFS - need some volumetrics state before/after log duplication

  • part of log audit - verify eelf appenders in logback.xml

Post Meeting

  • Epic for dual appenders (eelf, current) design issues, Resiliency/rotation changes, migration to single appender in the future - Mike

  • Epic for default configuration being applied

  • Finalize tabs vs pipes for R2 doc - vote on tue

  • Implementation (slf4j/eelf) is less of a concern over verifying that indexed content of the log format is standardized for consumers - however an additional API wrapper would benefit abstractONAP-component-wide changes over direct SLF4J calls.

  • Enumerate new ONAP projects as candidates for guideline enforcement.

  • Need volumetrics performance stats for end to end log emission all the way to ELK indexing/query - to be able to answer for more real time requestID tracking - like a DMaaP queue?

  • Committers have ideas about a 3rd appender to drop into the message queue DMaaP - a secondary, perhaps more performant view of the events.

  • Design Issue Epic for above https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-94

  • AOP annotation support for Logging - check for existing code and raise (custom EELF annotations on top of Spring ?) - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-95

Rollover Actions

From last week

  • vote on ways to edit the guidelines next meet

  • vote meeting agenda flow - guide first, JIRA second ?

  • onap config is split - oom is working merging heat and oom

  • (oom config in oom project, heat it is in each project distributed across components)

  • discuss (raise epic) combining config - or raise a hierarchy (oparent?) - default version with specific overrides if required per project

  • need to discuss eelf consistency and MDC details for next meeting

  • LOG-85 discuss external mounts for /dockerdata-nfs shares and how to get it to work with emptyDir()

  • upfront arch discussion on implementation changes in the JIRA architecture page for epics in R2

  • small demo of functionality - proposals

  • f2f - discussions of logging exposure in the talks/hands-on/discussion-panels 

  • vFirewall  integration testing (daily) - always asking for logs in HEAT testing - we could address this in R2 either either through HEAT ELK or when OOM gets consumed in R2

  • 2 logging related NPE bugs - we can fix these as well - we have 2 weeks 


  • as above

Attendees - 
