LOG Meeting Minutes 2017-09-26
Wrappers (Luke):
Spoke with the developer of SDC's logging wrapper.
They've been approached by somebody working for Zahi Kupeluto.
It seemed the conversation was ongoing, but that the wrapper (which exists to abstract EELF) may continue to exist in some capacity.
To be continued.
Issues with upstreaming Filebeat work, as the M4 codefreeze looms. (Roger, Michael).
Discussed issues with EELF (Luke):
Non-standard, so idioms are unfamiliar and usage varies a lot.
Misuse of logger names by special loggers, so that messages are attributed to an AT&T package instead of their actual source.
Tepid agreement on invocation ID:
Confident that invocation ID can do what we want.
Some people still need some convincing that it can't be achieved with existing MDCs.
Argument comes down to the fact that:
Semantics of existing MDCs is not clearly defined, so their usage varies.
Empirically we can't achieve it; we're having to rely on heuristics and special cases.
Moved forward, but not yet closed.
EELF changes:
Suggested adding a Marker of the same name as the logger, e.g. security → SECURITY, audit → AUDIT.
That allows non-EELF logging to produce logs with the same set of Markers (but without attributing messages to AT&T packages).
Haven't yet:
Determined the process for making changes to EELF.
Found resources the work.
Luke on leave until the 13th. Michael will cover.
M4 review pending.
M4 review update:
Checklist completed: LOG M4 Code Freeze Checklist.
Followup on the readthedocs section, due from the ONAP team by 25th September.
JIRA cleanup to close complete issues, move incomplete issues to the backlog.
Readthedocs → Mathew Harffy.
JIRA cleanup → Borislav.
Any other M4 followup.