ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190227

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190227


@Lingli Deng @Andy Mayer @Kevin Scaggs @Former user (Deleted) @guochuyi @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) @John Quilty @Borislav Glozman @maopeng zhang @Xu Yang , Fukuda (Fujitsu), @Joanne Liu Rudel , @Manoj Nair , @Peter Loane 


  1. Agenda Bashing

  2. Slicing Proposal Update (@Borislav Glozman & @guochuyi ) Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services

  3. Nested Service Update (@Kevin Scaggs & @guochuyi ) Composite / Atomic Service


  1. Agenda Bashing
    No comments on the agenda, go as planned.

  2. Slicing Proposal Update (@Borislav Glozman & @guochuyi ) Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services

    1. Agreed: An error identified to be correct in the pyparus diagram: the name of serviceinstanceprofile and sliceinstancprofile should be exchanged.

    2. Agreed: Remove the ccvpnprofile for now and come back when have more specific requirements from that usecase.

    3. Kevin: Latency should be generic attributes in serviceprofile.

    4. Gil & Andy: Need to go down to resource level and have a complete proposal. Suggested to have another discussion to address that in resource IM call.

    5. Borislave: Need to leave the call early. Will have another meeting on this later. Will upload the slides.

  3. Nested Service Update (@Kevin Scaggs & @guochuyi ) Composite / Atomic Service

    1. Agreed: aligned with the common root.

    2. Agreed: Remove attachment for now.

    3. ServiceinstanceDescription: further check with Kevin.

    4. Model attributes for service instance: further check with Chesla and Kevin.

    5. vfcstatus: agreed on not having component specific attributes. need to check with Chelsa before we merge this vfcstatus with orchestrationstatus.