Modeling 2020-11-10

Modeling 2020-11-10

Meeting time: 14:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496?pwd=SnpUUzNjWmp2Q0czdW1xeTVJMGVPQT09  International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Nov 10, 2020

2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Nov 10, 2020

2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links





@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

1) Email Polls: 2020 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions

B) Initiated Email Poll for VES 7.2 Updates: VES 7.2 to conclude on 17 NOV

Discuss update to Papyrus model concurrent with poll.

Call for help with Papyrus updates.

2)  Modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

Action item: the wiki page needs to be updated, and keep a separate table for previous version

3+) ONAP R8 Modeling High Level Requirements (Approved version on Oct. 27th)

4) Guilin modeling subcommittee result:

Guilin Release Key Updates

5) Request initiation of co-chair election process 

Modeling Subcommittee Members



@Xu Yang

Resource IM




Service IM



@James Forsyth

@Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]

@William Reehil

AAI Reverse Engineering status

open Jira ticket: get A&AI schema into papyrus. A&AI 2441 Guilin EPIC,

Plans for Honolulu


Modeling and Use Cases

@Benjamin Cheung

@Andy Mayer

@Chaker Al-Hakim

Sept 17 meeting Honolulu release - functional requirements proposed list

Chaker from Architecture subcommittee would like to cooperate with modeling subcommittee.

See: Proposed M3 Checklist modeling updates discussion

Architecture Subcommittee Themes for Honolulu: Information and Data Models for each component. New field in Arch review template that points to the data and info models for the release.


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