Modeling 2020-12-15

Modeling 2020-12-15

Meeting time: 14:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496?pwd=SnpUUzNjWmp2Q0czdW1xeTVJMGVPQT09  International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Dec 15, 2020

2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Dec 15, 2020

2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links




ONAPMODEL-3: General issues of Modeling subcommitteeOpen

@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

1) Email Polls: 2020 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions

A) Initiate Email Poll on the "as-built" CPS model. See:  Support for CPS Model Driven PoC R7

Rough consensus will be addressed on 15 December 2020

Yes: Nokia, AT&T, Ericsson  No: zero; Rough consensus met. Model may be moved to clean state.

2)  Modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

Please add ONAPMODEL JIRAs for the ONAP R8 Modeling High Level Requirements items

3) Request initiation of co-chair election process 

See: Annual Community Elections - Process

and: Voting Best Practices

and: Voting Results History

Action item: On TSC Agenda; Kenny initiated email poll to TSC on 15 December 2020

4) Future DM discussion (where and when to discuss it)(Dec 8)

the minimal changes that would need to be made to the SOL004 v 3.3.1 and SOL001 v3.3.1 specifications in order to support the onboarding and deployment of container based Network Functions. proposed by @Fernando Oliveira @Byung-Woo Jun

Initial proposal available  VNF/CNF Data Model Based on ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 plus CNF Enhancements#VDUOsContainerDataModel

VNFD , CNF CSAR, YAML, reference to vFW , Helm charts.  initial discussion yesterday in orchestration 

Purpose: don't want to stop the implementation, for the purpose of experiemental, will be aligned with ETSI NFV standard spec.

Resume Subcommittee meetings in Jan


ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

@Xu Yang

Resource IM

No meeting until Jan




Service IM

Call tomorrow. 



@Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]

@William Reehil

AAI Reverse Engineering status

open Jira ticket: get A&AI schema into papyrus. A&AI 2441 Guilin EPIC,

Plans for Honolulu

@Benjamin Cheung @Kamel Idir

Discussion on Papyrus and Eclipse version compatibility 


Action item to @Benjamin Cheung provide VES papyrus model and the community will validate it , it will be documented in Honolulu.

       - Loaded the more recent version of Papyrus with allows me now to see the models. The problem with the original instructions had an incompatible version of papyrus working with Eclipse.

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