Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Note: The OOF-PCI use case integration testing is being done at Windriver lab.

Note: DMaaP should be setup for most of the test cases below.



Test Case



IT#001DCAE (SON Handler MS)SON Handler Micro-service successfully on-boarded on to DCAE


IT#002DCAE (SON Handler MS)SON Handler Micro-service's DB is up and the Micro-service is able to read/write data.


IT#003DCAE (SON Handler MS)SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully fetch config policies from Consul.


IT#004OOF and PolicyOOF is able to successfully fetch config policy from Policy


This test case is no longer applicable, as there is no policy-driven actions in OOF for this use case in Dublin.
IT#005DCAE (SON Handler MS)SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully receive a message over DMaaP containing PM/FM data (from VES Collector)



DCAE (SON Handler MS) and DMaaP

SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully receive a message over DMaaP containing neighbor list update


IT#007DCAE (SON Handler MS) REST interfaceSON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully fetch neighbor list details using REST interface (Config DB APIs)


IT#008DCAE (SON Handler MS) and OOFSON Handler Micro-service invokes REST API of OOF for PCI optimization


DCAEGEN2-1529 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OPTFRA-505 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IT#009OOF and Config DB (REST API)OOF is able to obtain relevant neighbor list information for optimization algorithm from ConfigDB (REST API)


OPTFRA-508 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IT#010DCAE (SON Handler MS) and OOFSON Handler Micro-service receives optimization result from OOF (via callback URL) and sends response


OPTFRA-508 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IT#011DCAE (SON Handler MS) and Config DB (REST API)SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully fetch PNF details from Config DB (using REST API call)


IT#012DCAE (SON Handler MS) and PolicySON Handler Micro-service is able to send PCI/ANR updates via DMaaP to Policy


DCAEGEN2-1529 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IT#013Policy and DMaaPPolicy is able to successfully send a DMaaP message (to SDN-R) with PCI/neighbor list updates.


IT#014Policy and DMaaPPolicy is able to successfully receive a DMaaP message with PCI/neighbor list update response


IT#015DCAE (SON Handler MS) and PolicySON Handler Micro-service is able to receive PCI/neighbor list update response via DMaaP from Policy, process it and logs the results.



DCAE (SON Handler MS)SON Handler Micro-service is able to process PM KPI data, store as needed, and apply rules to recommend removal of a neighbor relationship.


IT#017SDN-RUpon receiving message from Policy, SDN-R sends netconf message to RAN-Sim.


pending completion of 2 known issues (Medium): CCSDK-1399 and CCSDK-1400

Will be completed when CCSDK-1399 and CCSDK-1400 are delivered (so not part of Dublin).

CCSDK-1364 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SDNC-772 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The DMaaP listener docker with the code fix is not yet deployed in SB-00 where the testing is done. The code, fix however, is already merged on to Dublin and Master branches. So, once the latest docker is deployed, we will continue and complete the test case at Windriver.

IT#018DCAE (VES Collector)VES Collector receives VES messages from RAN-Simulator


Test Case ID


Test Case Name

SON Handler Micro-service on-boarding


SON Handler Micro-service is successfully on-boarded on to DCAE




(a) DCAE up and running

(b) DCAE CLI available

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. SON-Handler component spec validated.
  2. SON-Handler is brought up manually on DCAE.
  3. SON-Handler Blueprint validated successfully.
  4. DCAE is brought online.
  1. SON-Handler comes up online and is stable.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

SON-Handler Micro-service DB on-boarding


SON-Handler Micro-service's PG DB is up, and SON-Handler Micro-service is able to write data e.g., local configuration data and read it.




(a) SON-Handler MS is up and running

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. SON-Handler component and its DB is on-boarded on to DCAE.
  2. Local configurable attributes are written/read by SON-Handler MS (verified by viewing logs)
  1. Verify DB working by viewing SON-Handler MS logs.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Policy fetch by SON-Handler MS


SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully fetch config policies from Consul.




(a) SON-Handler MS is up and running

(b) DCAE Platform including Consul is up and running

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Upload config policies for SON-Handler MS.
  2. SON-Handler MS should fetch the policies from Consul
  1. Verify Policy fetch and store via logs and checking in PG DB

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Policy fetch by OOF


OOF is able to successfully fetch the config policies from Policy




(a) Policy component is up and running

(b) Config policies related to OOF are provisioned in Policy component

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Bring up the OOF using the installation steps.
  2. Check the OOF database to see the contents of the OOF config policy for PCI optimization use case (i.e., OOF should invoke Policy API to fetch the config policies).
  1. OOF comes online and the database and local datastructures for PCI optimization use case are initialized correctly.
  2. Config-policy is correctly fetched and stored in the OOF DB. Sample config policy contents are given below:

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

VES (DMaaP) interaction with SON-Handler MS


SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully receive a message over DMaaP containing PM/FM data (from VES Collector).




(a) DCAE platform is up and running, VES is online

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) DMaaP is up

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure relevant DMaaP topics are created (SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT, SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT), along with producer and consumers (using unauthenticated mode)
  2. Post a fault message (REST) to VES Collector. If feasible, use the RAN-Simulator to post the fault message.
  3. Post a performance measurements message (REST) to VES Collector. If feasible, use the RAN-Simulator to post the fault message.
  1. VES Collector posts the received fault message on to DMaaP using the topic SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT.
  2. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT message and processes it - verified via logs.
  3. VES Collector posts the received PM message on to DMaaP using the topic SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT.
  4. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT message and processes it - verified via logs.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

DMaaP interaction with SON-Handler MS


SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully receive a message over DMaaP containing neighbor list update




(a) DCAE platform is up and running

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) DMaaP is up

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure relevant DMaaP topics are created (PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT), along with producer and consumers (using unauthenticated mode).
  2. Post a neighbor-list change notification message (topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP manually
  1. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT message and processes it - verified via logs and DB contents

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

SON-Handler MS fetching neighbor details


SON Handler Micro-service is able to successfully fetch neighbor list details using a REST interface




(a) DCAE platform is up and running

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) IT#006 is completed

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Bring up ConfigDB using the installation steps. Pre-populate RAN topology data in ConfigDB using a configuration file.
  2. Post a neighbor-list change notification message (Topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP as done for IT#006.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT message and invokes ConfigDB REST APIs to obtain neighbor list details for cluster formation and determination of collisions and confusions (verified via logs).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

OOF trigger for PCI optimization


SON Handler Micro-service invokes REST API of OOF for PCI optimization




(a) DCAE platform is up and running

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) OOF is online

(d) IT#004 is completed.

(e) IT#005 or IT#006 is completed

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Post a neighbor-list change notification message (topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP as done for IT#006 (or) post a DMaaP SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT message as done for IT#005. In either case, the message contents should be such that the number of resulting collisions/confusions should be more than the threshold for triggering OOF for PCI optimization.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP message and processes it.
  2. After determining that the number of collisions/confusions is greater than the threshold for triggering OOF, SON-Handler triggers OOF for PCI optimization (verified by logs on SON-Handler MS and OOF sides).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Config DB interaction with OOF


OOF is able to obtain relevant neighbor list information for optimization algorithm from ConfigDB (REST API)




(a) OOF is online

(b) ConfigDB is up and running

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Configure Config-DB with the RAN topology information using a configuration file.
  2. If IT#008 is completed, either post a neighbor-list change notification message (topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP as done for IT#006 (or) post a DMaaP SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT message as done for IT#005, else, invoke OOF's REST API for PCI optimization.
  1. OOF receives PCI optimization request, and invokes ConfigDB APIs to obtain information about the neighbors for executing the PCI optimization algorithm (verified by logs).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

OOF response for PCI optimization


SON Handler Micro-service receives optimization result from OOF (via callback URL) and sends response




(a) DCAE platform is up and running

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) OOF is online

(d) IT#008 and IT#009 are completed.

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Post a neighbor-list change notification message (topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP as done for IT#006 (or) post a DMaaP SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT message as done for IT#005. In either case, the message contents should be such that the number of resulting collisions/confusions should be more than the threshold for triggering OOF for PCI optimization.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP message and triggers OOF for PCI optimization (verified by logs on SON-Handler MS and OOF sides).
  2. OOF executes PCI optimization algorithm and provides the result to SON-Handler MS using the callback URL (verified by logs on OOF and SON-Handler MS sides).
  3. SON-Handler MS sends a response to OOF (verified by logs).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Config DB interaction with SON-Handler MS for PNF details





(a) DCAE platform is up and running

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) OOF is online

(d) IT#010 is completed.

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Post a neighbor-list change notification message (topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP as done for IT#006 (or) post a DMaaP SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT message as done for IT#005. In either case, the message contents should be such that the number of resulting collisions/confusions should be more than the threshold for triggering OOF for PCI optimization.
    Note: In case this test case has to be done independent of OOF (i.e., IT#009 and IT#010), then upon completion of IT#008, the callback URL of SON-Handler MS can be invoked manually.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives PCI-optimization results via the callback URL (verified by logs on OOF and SON-Handler MS sides).
  2. SON-Handler MS then invokes ConfigDB API for obtaining PNF names corresponding to the cells whose PCI values have been modified by OOF (verified by logs on Config DB and SON-Handler MS sides).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

SON-Handler MS interaction with Policy (DMaaP) for PCI updates


SON Handler Micro-service is able to send PCI/neighbor list updates via DMaaP to Policy




(a) DCAE platform is up and running

(b) SON-Handler MS is online

(c) Policy is online

(d) IT#011 is completed.

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure that the DMaaP topic DCAE_CL_OUTPUT is created, and producers/consumers are registered.
  2. Post a neighbor-list change notification message (topic: PCI-NOTIF-TOPIC-NGHBR-LIST-CHANGE-INFO_OUTPUT) on DMaaP as done for IT#006 (or) post a DMaaP SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT message as done for IT#005. In either case, the message contents should be such that the number of resulting collisions/confusions should be more than the threshold for triggering OOF for PCI optimization.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives PCI optimization results via the callback URL.
  2. SON-Handler MS then prepares and sends a DMaaP message (topic: DCAE_CL_OUTPUT) to Policy (verified by logs) for the required PCI changes.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Policy interaction with SDN-R (DMaaP) for PCI updates


Policy is able to successfully send a DMaaP message (to SDN-R) with PCI/neighbor list updates.




(a) SON-Handler MS is online

(b) Policy is online

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure that the DMaaP topics DCAE_CL_OUTPUT and SDNR_CL are created, and producers/consumers are registered.
  2. Implement the steps for IT#012, if IT#012 is not completed, post a DMaaP message with topic DCAE_CL_OUTPUT containing details of PCI/neighbor list updates.
  1. Policy receives the DMaaP message with topic DCAE_CL_OUTPUT and invokes a control loop (verified by by checking active control loops).
  2. Policy then sends a DMaaP message to SDN-R with topic SDNR-CL containing the relevant contents received in the DCAE_CL_OUTPUT message (verified by logs).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Policy interaction with DMaaP for PCI update response


Policy is able to successfully receive a DMaaP message with PCI/neighbor list update response




(a) SON-Handler MS is online

(b) Policy is online

(c) IT#013 is completed

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure that the DMaaP topic SDNR-CL-RSP is created, and producers/consumers are registered.
  2. Post a DMaaP message with topic SDNR_CL_RSP containing details of success/failure of PCI/neighbor updates
  1. Policy receives the DMaaP message with topic SDNR_CL_RSP and sends a DMaaP message to SON-Handler MS with topic DCAE_CL_RSP (verified by logs).
  2. The control loop is also no longer active (verified by checking active control loops).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Policy interaction with SON-Handler MS (DMaaP) for PCI update response


SON Handler Micro-service is able to receive PCI/neighbor list update response via DMaaP from Policy, process it and logs the results.




(a) SON-Handler MS is online

(b) Policy is online

(c) IT#014 is completed

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure that the DMaaP topic DCAE_CL_RSP is created, and producers/consumers are registered.
  2. Execute the steps in IT#014.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP message with topic DCAE_CL_RESPONSE from Policy, processes it and logs the relevant information about the failure/success of the PCI/neighbor changes in the RAN.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

ANR update by SON-Handler MS


SON Handler Micro-service is able to process PM KPI data, store as needed, and apply rules to recommend removal of a neighbor relationship.




(a) SON-Handler MS is online

(b) Policy is online

(c) IT#005, IT#007 and IT#011 are completed

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Ensure SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT and DCAE_CL_OUTPUT DMaaP topics are created, along with producer and consumers (using unauthenticated mode)
  2. Post a sequence of PM messages (REST) to VES Collector. If feasible, use the RAN-Simulator to post the PM message.
  1. SON-Handler MS receives the DMaaP messages with topic SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT from VES Collector.
  2. SON-Handler MS stores the information as needed, processes and determines neighbors to be removed based on the handover metrics.
  3. SON-Handler MS then sends a DMaaP message with topic DCAE_CL_OUTPUT to Policy containing details of the neighbors to be removed (verified via logs).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Netconf interface of SDN-R (edit-config)


Upon receiving message from Policy, SDN-R sends netconf message to RAN-Sim.




(a) SDN-R is up and running

(b) (RAN) devices are mounted on to SDN-R

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Send a DMaap message to SDN-R with topic SDNR-CL containing details of PCI/neighbor list updates. This can be done by executing the steps for IT#013, or by manually sending a DMaaP message (after ensuring DMaaP topic creation, and registration of producer/consumer).
  1. SDN-R successfully receives the DMaaP message with topic SDNR-CL (verified via logs).
  2. SDN-R sends a netconf edit-config message to RAN-Sim (or netconf server) with details of the PCI/neighbor updates.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

VES Collector interface with RAN


VES Collector receives VES messages from RAN-Simulator




(a) DCAE Platform including VES-Collector is up and running.

(b) RAN-Simulator is up and running

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Modify the neighbor list via RAN-Sim GUI. This triggers a VES fault message (REST) from the RAN-Sim towards the VES collector.
  2. Initiate reporting of PM metrics via RAN-Sim GUI. This triggers periodic VES PM messages (REST) from the RAN-Sim towards the VES collector.
  1. VES Collector successfully receives the fault message (verified via logs).
  2. VES Collector successfully receives the PM messages (verified via logs).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab

Windriver lab

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