Installation of SDNR/SDNC into ONAP at OWL

Installation of SDNR/SDNC into ONAP at OWL

Hint: This page refers to "Casablanca". For Dublin/El Alto goto here: SDN-R with OOM Rancher/Kubernetes Installation


This page discusses the process to install SDNR/SDNC into the ONAP installation at OWL (Open Wireless Laboratory) in WINLAB at Rutgers University.  The OWL/WINLAB laboratory environment is described in the wiki page Open Wireless Laboratory (OWL) at Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB).  This page describes how to install a development Docker image of SDNC into ONAP rather than the default image taken from the nexus3.onap.org:10001 repository.


Given the close deadline for the proof-of-concept, we have decided to develop our code in a github site that is outside of the ONAP gerrit (there is a description at this wiki page).  The starting point for the code will be a branch of the ONAP gerrit, and we will fully conform with ONAP practices with the intention of submitting the code to the ONAP gerrit after the proof-of-concept.  We have agreed to install the karaf features into CCSDK and then create a SDNC docker image from that CCSDK image.  This approach accords with the policy of keeping features in CCSDK and will help us better leverage the work of the OOM group because their Helm charts install SDNC and not CCSDK.  We have also agreed to use the Casablanca branch of both CCSDK and SDNC rather than the master branch because the master branch has been updated to evolve into Dublin and Casablaca will be a stable environment as we work on the proof-of-concept.

We have described the procedure to install a new karaf feature into CCSDK in a set of wiki pages at SDN-R Developer Guide.  This page assumes that you have installed your features and included them in the "component meta-feature" for the repository ccsdk/features/sdnr/northbound.

Create a custom CCSDK Docker image

The first step is to create a CCSDK docker image with the desired features.  The procedure to do this is the same as that described at SDN-R Developer Guide except we are using the Casablanca branch, which requires two principal changes:

  1. Update the version values of the maven artifacts to the values in the Casablanca branch

  2. Modify the version of the OpenDaylight Oxygen Docker image that is used as the starting point for the CCSDK Docker image

This code is taken from ccsdk/sli/core/sliapi and ccsdk/distribution/pom.xml and shows the version numbers for the parent pom.xml files and artifacts.  We can use version "1.1.2-SNAPSHOT" for the CCSDK parent poms and "0.3.2-SNAPSHOT" for the artifacts.

<parent>$ <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.parent</groupId>$ <artifactId>single-feature-parent</artifactId>$ <version>1.1.2</version>$ <relativePath/>$ </parent>$ <parent>$ <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.parent</groupId>$ <artifactId>feature-repo-parent</artifactId>$ <version>1.1.2</version>$ <relativePath/>$ </parent>$ <parent>$ <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.parent</groupId>$ <artifactId>odlparent-lite</artifactId>$ <version>1.1.2</version>$ <relativePath/>$ </parent>$ <parent>$ <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.parent</groupId>$ <artifactId>binding-parent</artifactId>$ <version>1.1.2</version>$ <relativePath/>$ </parent>$ <groupId>org.onap.ccsdk.distribution</groupId> <artifactId>distribution-odlsli</artifactId> <version>0.3.2</version> <packaging>pom</packaging>

The Dockerfile in ccsdk/distribution/odlsli/src/main/docker that creates the CCSDK Docker images needs to be updated with the correct tag for the OpenDaylight Oxygen image.


# Base ubuntu with added packages needed for open ecomp FROM onap/ccsdk-odl-oxygen-image:${project.version}


# Base ubuntu with added packages needed for open ecomp FROM onap/ccsdk-odl-oxygen-image:0.3.2-STAGING

In the original code, ${project.version} is replaced with "0.3.2-SNAPSHOT," and there is no image with that tag in the nexus3 repository.  This is a temporary condition as the Casablanca release goes through the approval process.  Also, notice that the Dockerfile assumes a local copy of the image, so one should login to nexus3.onap.org:1001, pull down the image and rename it from:




Please edit this page to correct any errors or make improvements.  After making these changes, one can navigate to the ccsdk/distribution/odlsli directory and execute the command "mvn clean install -P docker" to create a new CCSDK Docker image that includes the new features for the proof-of-concept.  The code below shows the generated images.

To minimize confusion, I chose to rename the image to something meaningful for the proof-of-concept: oof-pci/ccsdk-odlsli-image:0.3.2-SNAPSHOT.

Create a custom SDNC Docker image

The next step is to create a custom SDNC Docker image from the newly created CCSDK image.  Navigate to sdnc/oam/installation/sdnc and inspect two files:

  1. sdnc/oam/installation/sdnc/pom.xml

  2. sdnc/oam/installation/sdnc/installation/sdnc/src/main/docker/Dockerfile

The relevant part of sdnc/oam/installation/sdnc/pom.xml is:

Notice that the version number for the Casablanca branch of SDNC is 1.4.2, which differs from the version for CCSDK: 0.3.2.  Also, it specifies a property for the tag of the CCSDK Docker image.  The file sdnc/oam/installation/sdnc/installation/sdnc/src/main/docker/Dockerfile shows:

Update the name and tag for the CCSDK Docker image in the Dockerfile to the new image that you had just created.

With that single change, one can navigate to sdnc/oam/installation/sdnc and execute the command "mvn clean install -P docker" to create the custom SDNC image.  One now has these images.

Upload the development SDNC Docker image to Docker hub

We now have a development SDNC Docker image, and we want to install it into ONAP at OWL.  We are using the OOM Rancher/Kubernetes approach to installing ONAP, and their scripts pull all of the Docker images from the nexus3.onap.org repository.  To pull down our development image, we must first push it to a Docker repository, but we cannot push it to nexus3 because of access restrictions.  Instead, we use a separate repository in the public Docker hub repository (please contact me for access).  The next step is to push the new image to that Docker hub.  Below, we first rename the image to something meaningful to the proof-of-concept and then push it.

Installing the development SDNC Docker image into ONAP

The instructions to create an ONAP installation using the OOM Rancher/Kubernetes approach are in the ONAP wiki site (be sure to select the Casablanca version of the instructions).  Once installed, there are further instructions on deploying ONAP at this wiki page

Working with the ONAP oom and integration repositories in the "ubuntu" home directory in sb4-rancher

The sb4-rancher VM is the Rancher controller for the ONAP installation at OWL, and we keep clones of the ONAP oom and integration repositories in the ubuntu home directory.  Below are commands to execute as user ubuntu in a terminal session with sb4-rancher.  Please edit these commands if something is wrong or missing.

sudo -i -u ubuntu

Change to user ubuntu

cd ~/git/oom && git status && git checkout . && git pull

Discard any changes in the oom repository and pull down the latest. I assume that we keep all of our changes in override files and other locations

cd ~/git/integration

This repository maintains version numbers of the latest code for the ONAP components. There is information about the repository at https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=integration.git;a=summary.

git checkout casablanca

We agreed to use the casablanca release for the proof-of-concept

cd ~/git/integration/version-manifest/src/main/scripts

This folder contains scripts that update the OOM repository with the correct version numbers

./update-oom-image-versions.sh \

~/git/integration/version-manifest/src/main/resources/docker-manifest-release.csv \


Execute a script to update version numbers in the Helm charts in the oom/kubernetes directory. This will make changes to the values.yaml files, so “git status” in ~/git/oom will return many changes. "Release” because there is also a “staging” script. We want to use the release version numbers.

cd ~/git/oom/kubernetes

Start following instructions at https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/OOM+Helm+%28un%29Deploy+plugins

sudo cp -r ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/ ~/.helm

Get the Helm deploy plugin developed by the OOM group

make repo

This updates the Helm repo served by a local Helm process listening on port localhost:8879

make && make onap

I think this updates the local Helm repo with the latest versions in ~/git/oom/kubernetes. These commands take a while.

After these commands, the repositories and Helm resources have been updated to the latest versions, and we can use the commands described in the next section to deploy our code into ONAP.

Preparing to install the SDNC Docker image

To install the development image rather than the nexus3 image, open a terminal session with the VM containing the Rancher controller (sb4-rancher).  There are instructions on how to create a ssh tunnel to sb4-rancher at this wiki page.  Once logged in, we must update parameters in the values.yaml file in the Helm chart for SDNC in the OOM repository, shown here.

Override file for the SDNC values.yaml file

The simplest way to override the values is to copy the entire values.yaml file into a separate file (I use ~/oof-pci/override-sndc.yaml) and modify the relevant parameters in that new file.  The new values are shown below.  We identify the repository with the source image name and tag, create a cluster of three ODL members, and create a redundant MySQL deployment of two instances.


# Application configuration defaults.
# application images
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
repositoryOverride: registry.hub.docker.com
pullPolicy: Always
#image: onap/sdnc-image:1.4.1
image: ft3e0tab7p92qsoceonq/oof-pci-sdnr:1.4.2-SNAPSHOT


  nameOverride: sdnc-db
    name: sdnc-dbhost
    internalPort: 3306
  nfsprovisionerPrefix: sdnc
  sdnctlPrefix: sdnc
    mountSubPath: sdnc/mysql
    enabled: true
  disableNfsProvisioner: true
  replicaCount: 2
  geoEnabled: false


# default number of instances
replicaCount: 3


Override file for the ONAP values.yaml file

By default, the OOM Rancher/Kubernetes script installs all of the components, which we do not need for the proof-of-concept.  We identify which components to install by copying the ~/git/oom/kubernetes/onap/values.yaml file into a separate "override" file (~/oof-pci/override-onap.yaml) and changing "enabled: true" to "enabled: false" for the unneeded components.  Currently, these are the selected components.























































Command to install ONAP with the development image

Following the guidelines at the OOM wiki page, I use this command to install ONAP with the desired configuration. The ~/oof-pci files are located into https://github.com/onap-oof-pci-poc/ccsdk repository.

The parameter "demo" is used to preface each ONAP component with "demo-" so we have "demo-sdnc," for example.  The "sdnc/" parameter instructs helm to use that directory to guide the deployment.  The "--namespace onap" parameter causes ONAP to be deployed into the kubernetes namespace "onap."  The "-f ~/oof-pci/override-onap.yaml -f ~/oof-pci/override-sdnc.yaml" parameters instruct helm to override the parameters in ~/git/oom/kubernetes/onap/values.yaml and ~/git/oom/kubernetes/sdnc/values.yaml file with the values in the files following the "-f" option.  There can be a series of override files, and the last file takes precedence.

Commands to update the development image

If there is already an instance SDNC installed, it must be deleted before installing a new version.  Use these commands.

The first command deletes SDNC but, despite the "--purge" option, some residual resources remain.  The subsequent commands discover and delete those resources.  The "helm del..." command takes some time, so be patient.  Once SDNC has been deleted, you can install the new version using the commands in the previous section.

Accessing SDNC/SDNR

SDNC/SDNR Browser Interfaces

Now that SDNC/SDNR is deployed, how can you access it?  To access the browser interfaces of SDNC/SDNR, you can use this sequence of commands.  First:

We see that there are three instances of SDNC running and two instances of SDNC-DB and that they are deployed in different nodes, as expected.  All of the pods have private IP addresses that are not accessible from outside the ONAP deployment, but demo-sdnc-sdnc-0 is installed in NODE sb4-k8s-4, which has IP address  If you cannot use ping to determine the IP address of the node, the command "kubectl describe node <node-name> -n <namespace>" will provide the address.

You can now enter this command.

SDNC is presenting a service at a NodePort that is accessible from outside the ONAP installation.  PORT 8282:30202 means that port 30202 is accessible externally and maps to internal port 8282 (the Dockerfile that creates the SDNC image maps host port 8282 to container port 8181).  Therefore, SDNC is listening at sb4-k8s-4:30202, or  By creating a ssh tunnel to sb4-k8s-4 (described here), one can open a browser to localhost:30202/apidoc/explorer/index.html and see this.

SDNC/SDNR Terminal Session

There are (at least) two ways to open a terminal session with SDNC/SDNR.  One way is through the command line.  To learn the names of the SDNC/SDNR pods:

Then, to open a session with demo-sdnc-sdnc-0, for example, enter:

Another approach is to use the Kubernetes GUI.  Browse to the GUI, enter "sdnc" in the "Search" window and then scroll down to "Pods."

Click on "demo-sdnc-sdnc-0," for example, and then on "EXEC" in the new window with details about that pod.

This will open a new window with a terminal session to the SDNC container in that pod.

DMaaP Topics

These DMaaP messages are created and working in OWL.





Please let me know if I missed a message.  The URL for the DMaaP message router is (VM sb4-k8s-3).  The DMaaP message router doesn’t inspect the contents of a message, so the messages are free-form.  Here’s an example of a publish:

And a subscribe:

You can work from your local machine by setting up a tunnel, e.g.,

With that tunnel, you can access the message router at localhost:30227.


Please feel free to edit this page to make corrections or improvements.  Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.  

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