2024 TSC Election "Active Community Members"

2024 TSC Election "Active Community Members"

As defined in the ONAP Technical Community Document an active community member is:

Anyone from the ONAP community with twenty (20) or more measurable contributions during the previous 12-month period, inclusive of code merged, code reviews performed, wiki page edits, (creation, modification, comments or attachments) or JIRA activities (creation, modification, comment or closure).

The information below was pulled from the Community Leaderboard stats  for the period of  to .  Due receiving the report late not all duplicates were merged where there was an obvious name duplication, like a company name change for example..

If you are "Not Qualified" you cannot run or vote in the election

  • If you believe the data to be incorrect:  Please add a comment to this page with that data you believe is wrong and LF Staff will look into it 
  • If you believe you are qualified due to external contributions: Please follow the process in section of the ONAP Technical Community Document

Due to the election process starting late, this report is posted for transparency only. Thank you. 

 NameOrganizationCode: commitsCode: LOC AddedCode: LOC ModifiedGithub PRs: PRs CreatedGithub PRs: PRs MergedGithub PRs: PRs ReviewedGithub PRs: PRs ApprovedGithub PRs: PRs ReviewsGithub PRs: PRs Review CommentsGerrit: ApprovalsGerrit: Approved PatchsetsGerrit: Active ChangesetsGerrit: Merged ChangesetsGerrit: Review CommentsJira: CommentsJira: Issues CreatedJira: Issues ClosedConfluence: CommentsConfluence: PostsConfluence: Pages CreatedConfluence: Pages EditedConfluence: AttachmentsGroups.io: MessagesSlack: MessagesTotal 
Dan TimoneyAT&T Services, Inc.6638267678865200000014487958114400000000501171950
Raviteja KarumuriEricsson222237522611220000002323200230000000000484985
Adheli TavaresZinkworks LLP9091295265144000000000000000000013356533
Nandkishor Patke
Fiete OstkampDeutsche Telekom2456229412454000000018314031617528502332930014605188720
Wayne DunicanEricsson9343689767880000008887080000000000120681
Toine SiebelinkEricsson59363426453800000038931092671685017215041552444103716
John KeeneyEricsson845105571370000005858130640000000000102443
Francesco FioraEricsson593355551421000000171751017000000000085137
Francesco Davide LapentaEricsson82286945042000000212112021000000000067994
Daniel HanrahanEricsson81248273681300000025719711759782000000000163134
SourabhZinkworks LLP45200453419100000000000000000000054281
Ramesh Murugan IyerEricsson92190793015900000041124318016841103735000004050819
Priyank MaheshwariSainsbury's68198753023100000000000000000000050174
Andreas GeisslerONAP Project261919527542000000754446301120000046420047122
Thomas KulikDeutsche Telekom461130922805000000151586640162000000000034637
Gerard NugentEricsson12105502312400000000000000000000033686
Liam FallonEricsson172661601900000042926194944290006001930024621
Andreas GeisslerONAP Project11972812773000000452612105900000722880022781
Lee Anjella MacabuhayEricsson7904112993000000112863326319000000000022617
Saul GillEricsson4494101240500000081814509200018041600022196