2023 TSC Election Candidates

2023 TSC Election Candidates

@Announcement email:  Sep 13, 2023 

Nominations close:  Oct 4, 2023 at 23:59 UTC

Ballots Distributed: 00:01 pacific time Oct 9, 2023 

Voting ends: 23:59 pacific time Oct 23, 2023 

Results Published: Oct 24, 2023 

All candidates must reply all to the "Call for Nominations" email message Email Link to run for a TSC seat.

Nominees are encouraged to provide your information here as a courtesy at the request of your Program Manager. Doing so will greatly assist in the actual election process later on.
NOTE: simply filling in this page is insufficient to qualify you for the election. You must send the email as requested.


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Candidate's Statement


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Candidate's Statement

@Keguang He 

Keguang He is a Software Architecture Engineer at China Mobile, with over a decade of experience in the telecommunications field, my primary focus has been on autonomous network and Intent-based network solutions. I have been an active member of the ONAP community since 2019, primarily participating in use cases such as End-to-End Network Slicing, Test Topology Auto Design, and Intent-based networking. I have made substantial contributions, totaling over 25,000 lines of code, to these use cases.


As the PTL of the ONAP UUI project, I am responsible for its day-to-day maintenance, ensuring that the project aligns with the requirements of the ONAP community. Furthermore,I have taken the role of owner for the general Intent model and Intent interface requirement, providing ONAP with a comprehensive Intent solution and related use cases. I also hold the position of a liaison officer, fostering collaboration between ONAP and NFV, as well as ONAP and 3GPP SA5. Additionally, serving as the Vice Chair of the ONAP TSC, I am actively dedicated to promoting collaborative efforts with other standards organizations.

If I am honored with the opportunity to serve as an ONAP TSC Member, I will continue to contribute to the harmonization and alignment between ONAP and other relevant open-source communities and standards organizations. I am committed to advancing open-source work related to Intent-based networking and will continue to act as a liaison officer to facilitate collaboration between ONAP, NFV, and 3GPP SA5. Furthermore, Nephio has already joined the LFN, so my team and I will pay close attention to Nephio while exploring opportunities for cooperation between Nephio and ONAP.

@N.K. Shankaranarayanan


N. K. Shankaranarayanan (Shankar) is an Affiliate Research Scientist with Rutgers WINLAB, with research interests covering wireless networks and technologies, wireless standards and open-source solutions. Prior to this, he worked at AT&T Labs Research and STL Access Solutions. His work has spanned diverse areas including network automation solutions, wireless field trials, service and network quality management, radio propagation, full-duplex wireless, fixed wireless systems, and optical fiber/cable systems. He led the development and production deployment of the first cloud-based 5G SON solution in AT&T. He serves on the ONAP TSC and LFN TAC Committees, and has served on the WiMAX Forum Board of Directors. Shankar has 95+ patents in his name and 50+ research publications. He has a Ph.D. from Columbia University, an M.S. from Virginia Tech, and a B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, all in Electrical Engineering. 

I have served on the ONAP TSC for 2 years, and represent ONAP on the LFN Technical Advisory Committee. I have worked to promote synergy and alignment of ONAP with O-RAN and O-RAN SC, and my work was recognized with an ONAP Citizenship award for the London release. I have been the ONAP 5G SON Use Case lead since the Casablanca release; under my leadership, the ONAP SON Use Case team had several successful PoC demonstrations. We had a strong and early focus on being aligned with O-RAN and 3GPP. The solution includes flows for actions using O-RAN O1 and A1 interfaces, FM/PM/CM notifications from the RAN, a RAN-Sim simulator component, and a methodology for incorporating AI/ML in the applications. 

After a 29-year research career at AT&T Labs, I worked in an O-RAN startup environment, and now I am with Rutgers University WINLAB which is at the forefront of wireless network research with a world-class experimental wireless network testbed and industry/university collaborations. I can offer a unique viewpoint by combining my broad wireless background, operational ONAP deployment insights, global standards experience, and university research perspective. My objective in ONAP and open source has been to foster an open ecosystem for mobile networks and make open source relevant to the industry. If I have the honor of continuing to serve on the TSC, I will continue my work to maximize synergy and alignment between ONAP and O-RAN/OSC. 

@Dong Wang 

China Telecom


Dr. Dong Wang currently works as a senior research engineer at China Telecom Research Institute (Beijing). The research & development group focuses on the next generation network reconstruction of China Telecom, which is named the target of CTNet2025 whitepaper. Based on SDN/NFV technology, lots of outputs have been achieved by the team in the architecture, orchestration and full-stack solutions of 5GC, SD-WAN and so on.
Before joining in China Telecom, he concentrated on his academic research at universities in the UK, where he received an M.Sc. by Research degree in telecommunications and a Ph.D. degree in computing (networks and communications). His research interests are around modeling and optimization of complex communication networks. Multiple emerging areas of communication networks have been touched, like 5G and beyond networks, large scale heterogeneous WSNs and IoT. Several academic papers had been published in academic conferences and journals including a top impact factor journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He also has rich experience in software development in the industry both in the UK and China. Based on the above experience in academics and industry, he has the potential to make more contributions to the next generation network reconstruction of China Telecom, as well as the development of ONAP.

Dear ONAP community,
  I would like to nominate myself as a TSC member of the ONAP community representing China Telecom.
  I am member of the TSC since March, 2020 and would like to continue in that position in the coming election period.
  Currently, I focus on the research and development of Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks (I-CAN) in ONAP, which is commented as a major step towards autonomous networks, for operator and enterprise use cases by ONAP Marketing Priorities 2021.
  Our China Telecom’s team has finished the development of I-CAN functions in multiple releases cooperating with the partners of E2E Slicing and CCVPN usecases.
  I also have been invited to give multiple presentations related to the research and development of I-CAN based on ONAP in the international conferences representing ONAP or China Telecom, including IEEE IBN workshop, Fierce Wireless Network Automation Week and IEEE ICCC.
  I will continue working on the research and development of I-CAN with the partners of ONAP to drive ONAP as an advanced automation platform for the next generation smart network.
  Therefore, I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving in the TSC.

Best regards,

Dong Wang

@Dan Timoney 

Dan Timoney is a Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T, where he has worked since 1985.  During his time at AT&T, Dan has held lead positions in many telecommunications projects supporting voice and data services.


Dan has been a leading contributor to ONAP since its inception, having served as Project Technical Lead of the CCSDK and SDNC projects since their initial release.   Dan has consistently been one of the lead code contributors to ONAP.  He has earned the code contribution award for 9 out of the 11 ONAP releases.


If elected as a member of the TSC, Dan would work to continue to align ONAP and O-RAN and to improve the stability and maintainability of the ONAP platform.


I would like to nominate myself for a seat on the ONAP TSC.   Below is my biography and statement of intent.


Dan Timoney is a Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T, where he has worked since 1985.  During his time at AT&T, Dan has held lead positions in many telecommunications projects supporting voice and data services.


Dan has been a leading contributor to ONAP since its inception, having served as Project Technical Lead of the CCSDK and SDNC projects since their initial release.   Dan has consistently been one of the lead code contributors to ONAP.  He has earned the code contribution award for 9 out of the 11 ONAP releases.


If elected as a member of the TSC, Dan would work to continue to align ONAP and O-RAN and to improve the stability and maintainability of the ONAP platform.

@Dan Xu 

Dan Xu is a senior open source engineer in Huawei. She has rich experience in testing, certification, CI/CD and Container-based servers. She has been working in the Usecase-UI project and developing the Intent based server in this year. Also she is the PTL of VNFSDK and CLI projects to support the usage of upstream projects.

Dan Xu has been contributing in several open source projects within LF for more than 7 years. She is the PTL of Anuket RI2 projects and also contributes in Sylva project. She used to be focused on OVP including developing its backend tool and frontend portal, selecting and integrating test cases, supporting and debugging tests of commercial products et al.

For the last 3 years, she has also been engaged in another open source community, EdgeGallery and established its Jenkins-based CI/CD pipelines. She developed the Ansible-based automatic deployment scripts to install k8s and EdgeGallery Platform with helm on k8s.

If selected as a member of the TSC, I will continue to contribute to ONAP especially the CI/CD, installation, and collaborate with other community.

@Paweł Pawlak 

Pawel Pawlak is a Product Manager at Incognito Software Systems. Actively contributes to ONAP from the early beginning of this LFN project. For the last 4 years Pawel has led the ONAP Security Subcommittee focusing on building awareness among open source community on security and incorporating best practices. For the last year had the privilege to lead ONAP TSC as Chair. 

Pawel previously worked at F5 as Product Manager for VNFM and NFV solutions and prior to that in the telco industry for 18 years at Orange/TPSA where he was responsible for testing and deploying aggregation and core networks for triple play services, dealing with building skill centers for BRAS/BNG, providing internal professional services in IP and transport domains and most recently creating strategy for operator’s IT and network operations convergence. Pawel received his Master of Science in Telecommunications from the Warsaw University of Technology. He also holds Executive Master of Business Administration at Kozminski University.

I would like to continue contributing to ONAP with special focus on ONAP consumers requirements and feedback collection and new resources onboarding.

@Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson)


Byung-Woo Jun is a principal engineer at Ericsson Software Technology. With his 25+ years of experience in telecommunications as a software engineer and architect, he has researched, developed and influenced industry standards and technologies. He studied computer science and network for his master and additional post-graduate studies. Prior to engaging the ONAP project, he worked as a principal computing architect for Bellcore, Telcordia and Ericsson, and resolved large-scale architectural challenges for the companies and many external telecommunication businesses. His career has provided him with a wealth of experience in envisioning, designing and developing cutting-edge products. 

Byung has been working with ONAP since its inception. He is the Chairman of ARCCOM, a member of SECCOM, TSC and OOM, a SO committer, and achieved the following missions:

  • Contributed ETSI-Alignment for NS and VNF orchestration and ASD-based CNF orchestration

  • Working with ARCCOM, SECCOM and OOM, defined and drove ONAP security and logging architecture

  • Drove ONAP Streamlining process to make ONAP more flexible and easy to be adapted by other communities, vendors and operators

  • As the ARCCOM Chairman, managed ONAP projects and architecture directions and roadmaps

  • As a current TSC member, representing Ericsson, reviewed, approved and set directions of ONAP and promoted collaborations with other communities and standardization organizations (ETSI, 3GPP, ORAN)

As an ONAP TSC member, I (Byung) would continue to promote and set directions for the ONAP Streamlining (modularity, autonomy, security, pick-and-choose, performance, standardization and extensibility), cross-platform and community collaborations (ORAN, Nephio, vendors and operators). I am a strong candidate for this position based on my expertise and achievements.

@Andreas Geißler 

With more than 15 year experience as OSS Software/System Developer and Architect at Nokia/NSN, I joined Deutsche Telekom 7 years ago as Senior Architect working in the "Network Automation" Chapter of the "Group Technology" department.

Since nearly one year I am involved in setting up DT's internal ONAP labs, automating, testing the ONAP installation (HEAT, OOM) and implementing PoCs in area of OpenRAN, B2B….
Besides my activities in ONAP I’m acting as lead system architect in DT’s TNAP project.

I am an initial member of the ONAP project within Deutsche Telekom and TSC since 2018.
With DT we work since a couple of years to use ONAP components within Network Automation projects and a plan to take this platform into production in the near future.
My DT colleagues, our partners and me are contributed to the ONAP releases in several projects, like Documentation, Integration, OOM, SO and CDS and upstream our Portal to the community (portal-ng).
Main focus for the coming releases will be the production readiness of the ONAP platform and the extension of its functionality.

I look forward to the opportunity to work in the TSC to serve the ONAP community to continue it’s journey.

Becoming a TSC member, I want to help ONAP to focus on enhancing its stability and production-readiness to become a de-facto standard in network and service automation. A clear target is also to strengthen the Telecom operator's focus in ONAP's further development.

Seshu Kumar


It would be my pleasure to serve the community in my new role as the Principle Architect of WindRiver.

If elected, I would like to work on enabling the following activities with all your support:

  1. Extend my help in making ONAP closure to being production ready.

  2. Collaboration across the SDO and open source projects alike (Nephio, 3GPP, ORAN, LFN and CNCF to name a few)

  3. Work on various PoC that would prove the integrations across the industry and showcase the ONAP capabilities

  4. Collect and work on the timely feedback.















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