Annual Community Elections - Process
Every year the Community is required to vote the technical leadership for ONAP projects. It is the time to take a pragmatic look at how we are functioning as a community and ensure that we are set to scale for the challenges ahead.
There are several different areas where voting is relevant. All of these can be found in the ONAP Technical Community Document
The TSC election process is governed by section 4.2.3 TSC Member Elections
Technical Community Coordinators and ONAP Liaisons governed by section TSC Chair/Vice Chair/Coordinator Election Mechanics
Project Technical Leads (PTLs) governed by section Project Technical Leader Election Mechanics
Subcommittee Chairs governed by section Subcommittee Chair / Vice Chair Elections
Project Committers (those permitted to merge code into the main branch) governed by section Adding Committers
There is no "automatic rollover" for any of these positions, with the exception of those individuals who are Committers. All of others are subject to the annual election process.
TSC Elections
Who is eligible to Run: Any Active Community Members - There is NO limit to the number of candidates from a single company that can RUN for a seat.
Who is eligible to Vote: Any Active Community Members
2022 TSC Election "Active Community Members"
2022 TSC Election Candidates
Section 4.1.1 of the ONAP Technical Community Document defines an Active Community Member as "Anyone from the ONAP community with twenty (20) or more measurable contributions during the previous 12-month period, inclusive of code merged, code reviews performed, wiki page edits, (creation, modification, comments or attachments) or JIRA activities (creation, modification, comment or closure)."
When appropriate a call for nominations will be sent by the LF to onap-tsc mailing list. Individuals interested in running for the a TSC position MUST REPLY-ALL TO THE ORIGINAL EMAIL Replying to another candidate's self-nomination email announcing your self-nomination is considered a hostile at best. It is recommended that candidates include a biography and statement of intent on why you would be a good person to hold this position. It is requested that candidates fill in a candidate wiki page with that same information. Note that filling out the wiki page is NOT in lieu of sending the email as required.
The nomination phase begins with the receipt of the announcement ( as verified by checking the appropriate list in )
The nomination phase ends three (3) weeks s after the announcement in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
Election Phase
A Condorcet election will be held using an anonymous on-line voting method Active Community Members will receive an invitation to vote from
The election phase will begin with the distribution of the ballot information via email from the application
The election phase will end two (2) weeks later in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
Election Results
The election of a TSC Member shall consist of a single stack ranked vote of all candidates
Only the top ranked candidates from any single company will be elected; if the top 10 vote getters are all from the same company, only the person with the highest number of votes out of all 10 from that company will be elected.
No more than one member per company or group of related companies being selected.
The LF will update the Voting Results History page with their name, date, and link to a publicly viewable pdf of the results, and send an email to the onap-tsc list.
PTL Elections
Who is eligible to Run: Existing Committers for that project
Who is eligible to Vote: Existing Committers for that project
Special Considerations for the PTL position only: At any time throughout the year the majority of existing Committers can agree to call for a new PTL election. This is to ensure that absentee, non-responsive or disruptive PTLs are not allowed to remain in place.
Self Nomination Phase
The sitting PTL - WHETHER RUNNING OR NOT - is responsible for sending an email to the appropriate email distribution list (using their project specific email tag if relevant) on or about the anniversary of the previous year's election, indicating that nominations for the PTL position are open. Individuals interested in running for the PTL position should reply-all to that email indicating their intention to run. Candidates are encouraged to include a biography and statement of intent on why they would be a good person to hold the position.
The nomination phase begins with the receipt of the original announcement email ( as verified by checking the appropriate list in )
The nomination phase ends two (2) full business days in the same time zone as that original email
Election Phase
The sitting PTL - WHETHER RUNNING OR NOT - is responsible for setting up Condorcet election using the CIVS voting system. Follow the instructions on our community Voting Best Practices when setting up the poll.
The duration should be three (3) full global business days in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
The results of the poll must be publicly viewable
Election Results
A majority vote of all Committers is required to win the PTL election.
The winning PTL updates the Voting Results History page with their name, date, and link to the publicly viewable CIVS results and sends email to onap-tsc with the results
Escalate to the TSC if: The sitting PTL does not initiate either the announcement or the poll, or if fewer than 50% +1 of the Committers vote
Subcommittee Chair Elections
Who is eligible to Run: Subcommittee members of record (as per the wiki page) effective the date the nomination process starts
Who is eligible to Vote: Subcommittee members of record (as per the wiki page) effective the date the nomination process starts AND as controlled within the context of Section of the Community Document
Self Nomination Phase
When appropriate a call for nominations should be announced at the subcommittee meeting by the sitting Chair and a notification sent to the appropriate public email distribution list. Individuals interested in running for the Subcommittee Chair position must reply-all to that email with their intention to run. Candidates are encouraged to include a biography and statement of intent on why they would be a good person to hold this position.
The nomination phase officially begins with the receipt of the announcement ( as verified by checking the appropriate list in )
The nomination phase ends four (4) full global business days after the announcement in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
Election Phase
The sitting Chair - WHETHER RUNNING OR NOT - is responsible for setting up Condorcet election using the CIVS voting system. Follow the instructions on our community Voting Best Practices when setting up the poll. All eligible voting subcommittee members (as indicated above) are to receive a ballot.
The election phase will begin on with the distribution of the CIVS poll via email
The election phase will end four (4) full global business days later in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
Election Results
The individual receiving the highest number of votes from all votes cast shall be declared the winner UNLESS other provisions have already been agreed to within a particular subcommittee such as the top two vote getters are elected as joint-Chairs or the top vote getter is elected as Chair and the runner-up is elected Vice-Chair.
The newly (re)-elected Chair will update the Voting Results History page with their name, date, and link to the publicly viewable CIVS results and send an email to their distribution list with a cc to onap-tsc
Escalate to the TSC if the sitting Chair does not initiate either the announcement or the poll in a timely fashion, or if fewer than 50% +1 of the eligible voters respond to CIVS.
If you have fundamental concerns about the process, any member of the community can always reach out to your LFN Program Manager by sending an email to pmo @ (minus the blank spaces)
Who is eligible to Run: Any Community Member
Who is eligible to Vote: TSC Members
Self Nomination Phase
When appropriate a call for nominations will be sent by the LF to the onap-tsc distribution list. Individuals interested in running for a particular Community Coordinator position must reply-all to that email with your intention to run. Candidates are strongly recommended to include a headshot, biography and statement of intent on why you would be a good person to hold this position. In addition, it is requested that candidates also fill in the wiki page highlighted in that email with the same information. Note that filling out the wiki page is NOT in lieu of sending the email as required.
The nomination phase begins with the receipt of the announcement ( as verified by checking the appropriate list in )
The nomination phase ends 7 days (one calendar week) after the announcement in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
Election Phase
If there is a single nominee for a position: A standard TSC vote (either live or via email to onap-tsc-vote) shall be initiated by the LF at the first opportunity to do so
If there are multiple nominees: A Condorcet election will be held using the CIVS voting system. All TSC members will receive an invitation to vote.
The election phase will begin on with the distribution of the CIVS poll via email
The election phase will end four (4) full business days later in the same time zone the poll was initiated from
Election Results The LF will update the Voting Results History page with their name, date, and link either to the publicly viewable CIVS results or vote email thread and send an email to the distribution list and to onap-tsc