We will version the ACM definitions that we commission and decommission but not ACM instances. The configuration of ACM instances will not be version controlled.
Since the App is a composite entity, some versioning principles are needed and require enforcement by the App Management solution:
Each Artifact must have a unique identity and Version within a deployment (to enable its management in the system)
Each Automation Composition comprising a set of artifacts has a unique identity and Version within a deployment
Whenever an artifact is changed, its Version must be stepped
Whenever an artifact comprising an Automation Composition steps version, the Automation Composition version must also be stepped.
Multiple versions of an Automation Composition and/or Automation Composition Elements may exist in parallel.
Multiple Instances of an Automation Composition and/or Automation Composition Elements may exist in the same run-time.
Describe how this works.
Document how the versioning works.
What checks are done on types/instances/references? Describe how the checks work