Policy Framework Project: Release Management
Release Status
The release status of the policy framework is stored in the policy/parent repository in the pf_release_data.csv file. Look at that file under each branch to find details of the current release artifacts for each branch. The table below is a shortcut to that file for each release.
Release | Release Data |
master | pf_release_data.csv |
kohn | pf_release_data.csv |
jakarta | pf_release_data.csv |
istanbul (security updates only) | pf_release_data.csv |
honolulu (security updates only) | pf_release_data.csv |
previous releases (unsupported) | Policy Framework Project: Component Versions |
Repository Dependencies and Docker Images
The diagram below shows the repositories and Docker images produced by the Policy Framework. The repositories (released as maven artifacts) are shown as rectangles, and the Docker images are shown as ovals. The dependencies between the repositories are shown as are the Docker images produced by each repository.
The Policy Framework Release Process
The Policy Framework release process is complex, time-consuming, and tedious. In the release process, the maven repositories and docker images must be released in the order shown in the diagram above: Blue-->Green-->Pink-->Yellow→Purple. In addition, the references for the repository layering and the parent Docker image file references must be set to release references before staging and back to snapshot references after staging.
A set of scripts have been developed to make the release process somewhat less tedious. The scripts are located in the policy/parent repo here.
The scripts guide one through the release process. The scripts:
- Run each step in the release process as a sequence of release phases
- Act on pom.xml, Docker, version.properties, and pf_release_data.csv files, changing the references in those files as is required for each phase in a release
- Generate the commits in Gerrit for each phase of the release
- Work on all branches from Honolulu on
- Execute a normal release, where there are no special cases like repositories or docker images being added or removed
The scripts do not:
- Provide a fully automatic release, manual checking and submitting of commits is still required
- Deal with all possible permutations and combinations of releases
- Guarantee that there are not bugs in the scripts, manual oversight is required
The scripts make the following assumptions:
- All 13 Policy Framework repositories are freshly cloned into a directory called policy
......... - There are no updates or pending commits on any of the cloned repositories
- You have checked out the scripts and added their location to your PATH
- All references between Policy Framework Maven modules are in the root POM in each repository
- All references between Policy Framework Maven modules are controlled by the following properties in root pom.xml files
policy.common.version or version.policy.common: policy/common
policy.models.version or version.policy.models: policy/models
policy-drools-pdp.version or version.policy.drools-pdp: policy/drools-pdp
- policy-apex-pdp.version or version.policy.apex-pdp: policy/apex-pdp
- All files that match the regular expression '*Docker*' and have their base image matching the regular expression 'FROM onap\/policy-j[d|r][k|e]-alpine:)[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9].*$' will have their base image changed to the appropriate policy-jre-alpine or policy-jdk-apline version for the phase in question
Getting Release Data and Performing a Release Phase
During a normal release, the most important scripts are the getReleaseData.sh script and the releasePhase.sh script.
getReleaseData.sh creates the file pf_release_data.csv for a specified branch. This file is used by the release process to keep track of where it is. It has the following 5 columns:
- Repo: The repository to which this row of the file refers
- Last Tag Version: The last hard release version of this repository on this branch
Snapshot Version: The current snapshot version of this repository on this branch
- Changed Files: The number of files that are changed between the Last Tag Version and the Snapshot Version
- Docker Images: A list of the Docker images generated on this repository, which can be none
getReleaseData.sh recreates the pf_release_data.sh each time it is executed so as the release proceeds through its phases, the content of the file changes. The script has a list of the 13 Policy Framework repositories, and for each repository it:
- Checks out the specified branch, pulls the latest changes, and rebases the repository
- Runs a "mvn clean" command on the repository to determine its current snapshot
- Reads the tags on the repository and determines what the latest tag on this branch of the repository is
- Runs a "git diff" command to detemine the number of changed files between the latest tag and the current snapshot
- Reads the releases/x.x.x-container.yaml file to find the docker images generated by the repository
releasePhase.sh is an orchestration script that runs the 15 phases in the release process. It calls the other scripts in the script set to perform whatever actions are required at each phase in the execution process. It has a function that codifies each phase of the release.
Each phase of the release is executed by calling getReleaseData.sh to update the status of the release phase followed by releasePhase.sh to actually perform the release. Note that it is safe to run getReleaseData.sh multiple times in a single release. This may be necessary if, for example, the merge job for a release commit is slow to run causing a phase to complete slowly. Always keep an eye on the output of getReleaseData.sh to verify that the release is proceeding correctly.
If a repository is released, then you must also release all repositories that depend on it.
With care an expert can start from an intermediate phase if repositories early in the release process such as policy/common or policy/models are not being released. To do this, the expert can carefully edit your local copy of the releasePhase.sh script and comment out the parts of each release phase that the expert does not want to execute. For example, if the expert wants to start from Phase 8 below (use the existing versions of policy/parent, policy/common, policy/docker, and policy/models), the expert can comment out the operation to update the policy/models snapshots and safely start from Phase 8.
The getReleaseData.sh script, among other things, retrieves the repository tags from the repository being released from nordix gerrit. After a repo release has been carried out in a stage (reviews are merged etc), the tag for the release is automatically created in github. There can sometimes be a delay in propagating the tag to onap gerrit and then especially to nordix gerrit. This means that the tags will be unavailable for getReleaseData.sh to fetch. And thus, the pf_release_data.csv will NOT have the latest released tag. In this case, you MUST manually update the release number in the pf_release_data.csv file.
For example, after stage 2, the parent latest version tag may not be in nordix yet. You will notice, after stage 2, when you run getReleaseData.sh, the line with policy/parent in the pf_release_data.csv file does not have the new version. So, you just update that line with the new version (no need to update the SNAPSHOT version) - and then continue with stage 3.
Running a Release
In each phase run getReleaseData.sh followed by releasePhase.sh.
% getReleaseData.sh -l onap -b jakarta % releasePhase.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 1 % getReleaseData.sh -l onap -b jakarta % releasePhase.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 2 ........................... % getReleaseData.sh -l onap -b jakarta % releasePhase.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 15
Phase | Actions Performed |
1 | Update internal references in policy/parent |
2 | Stage release on policy/parent in Gerrit |
3 | Update snapshots in policy/parent |
4 | Stage release on policy/common in Gerrit |
5 | Update snapshots in policy/common Update snapshots in policy/docker Update policy/parent and policy/common references in policy/models |
6 | Stage release on policy/models in Gerrit Release policy/models Maven artifacts |
7 | Release policy/models Docker images |
8 | Update snapshots in policy/models Update policy/parent, policy/common, policy/models and base Docker references in policy/api |
9 | Stage release on policy/api in Gerrit |
10 | Release policy/api Docker images |
11 | Update snapshots in policy/api Update snapshots in policy/pap Update snapshots in policy/distribution Update snapshots in policy/clamp Update snapshots in policy/apex-pdp Update snapshots in policy/drools-pdp Update snapshots in policy/xacml-pdp Update policy/parent, policy/common, policy/models, policy/drools-pdp and base Docker references in policy/drools-applications Update policy/parent, policy/common, policy/models, policy/apex-pdp and base Docker references in policy/gui |
12 | Stage release on policy/drools-applications in Gerrit |
13 | Stage release on policy/drools-applications in Gerrit (Note: a second stage-release is required on drools-applications following maven artifact release) |
14 | Update snapshots in policy/drools-applications |
15 | Store the updated pf_release_data.sh file in policy/parent with an optional Gerrit tag for the release |
Updating image revisions in OOM
When releasing in ONAP, the revisions of the Policy Framework Docker images must be updated in OOM.
The image revisions in the Policy Framework values.yaml files are updated using the updateOomImages.sh script. The script updates the image revisions in OOM and creates a commit in Gerrit for the change.
- Clone a copy of the OOM repository into a suitable location. The suggested location is onap/oom, where the Policy Framework repositories are in onap/policy/parent, onap/policy/common etc.
- Make sure that the correct branch of OOM is checked out, if you are, for example, working on a Jakarta release of the Policy Framework, check out the Jakarta branch on the OOM repository.
Run the updateOomImages.sh script:
% updateOomImages.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911
A commit is raised that updates OOM for the new Policy Framework release. The commit is inspected and merged as normal.
Tagging a Release
When an official release is completed, a tag for that release is created on each repository in Gerrit. The official releases from the Policy Framework are catalogued on the Policy Framework Project: Component Versions page. The following types of releases are tagged:
Type | Numbering | Description |
ONAP | x.y.0-ONAP | An ONAP Full Release, where x.y.0 is the ONAP release version |
ONAP Maintenance | x.y.z-ONAP | An ONAP Maintenance Release, where x.y.z is the ONAP release patch version |
Policy Framework Interim | x.y.z-PF-In | An interim release of the Policy Framework for Policy Framework stakeholders, to be included in the next ONAP Maintenance release on that branch. x.y.z is the ONAP release version and n is the Policy Framework Interim release number on that ONAP release version. |
If a release is not made available to ONAP or to stakeholders (such as a release for integration testing), the release need not be tagged.
When preforming the final phase in the release process, use the -t option on the releasePhase.sh script to set a tag on the release data stored in Gerrit for the release. The tag used should match the tag used on the repositories in Gerrit for the release.
releasePhase.sh -l onap -p 15 -i POLICY-112911 -t 1.10.0-ONAP
Branching is where a new branch is created on each repository in the Policy Framework and the minor revision of each repository is stepped. Branching is usually performed when development is completed for a release and development is moving onto the next release.
To branch, perform the following steps:
- In Gerrit, create the new branch off the master branch in each repository
- Check that all the branches have been created correctly
On the master branch, run the getReleaseData.sh script to update the pf_release_data.csv file
getReleaseData.sh -l onap
Run the newReleaseSnapshots.sh script to update the snapshot versions on all the repositories and merge the generated commits
For a minor release run the script as follows:
newReleaseSnapshots.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911
For a major release run the script with the -m flag as follows:
newReleaseSnapshots.sh -m -l onap -i POLICY-112911
Run the resolveRefs.sh script to update the cross references and base docker images, then merge the generated commits
resolveRefs.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911
- Add the new branch to the JJB job Yaml files in onap/ci-management/jjb/policy so that the Jenkins jobs for the new branch are created.
- Check out the release branch into a separate tree structure:
etc. - On the release branch, edit the file release_name/policy/parent/docs/conf.py and change all references to master or latest to your release name (these variables are release, version and branch)
- On the release branch, edit the .gitreview file and change the line defaultbranch=master to defaultbranch=<release_name>, where <release_name> is the name of the new release
- Raise commits and merge the changes in 7. and 8. above.
The snapshot versions and references are now set correctly on the master branch and the release branch.
Example of Performing a Release
A Release is where the all the Maven artifacts and Docker images are released on the current branch and and the snapshot version of the repositories is stepped.
The process of performing a release is best illustrated by example. Let's assume we are on the Jakarta release. We have checked out the Policy Framework repositories into the onap/policy subdirectory of the current directory and the release scripts are in our PATH.
% echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/liam/bin:/Users/meself/git/onap/policy/parent/integration/src/main/scripts/release % ls onap/policy apex-pdp clamp distribution drools-applications gui pap xacml-pdp api common docker drools-pdp models parent
We have also created a JIRA called POLICY-112911 to cover the task of performing the release.
Phase 1: Update references in policy/parent
Get the release data.
The -l parameter is pointing to the location of the checked out Policy Framework repositories (onap/policy/parent, onap/policy/common etc) and -b specifies the branch to sue for the release. If the -b option is not specified, the master branch is used.
% getReleaseData.sh -l onap -b jakarta updating the policy framework data from 'onap' to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/parent branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/parent' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/parent updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/docker branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/docker' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/docker updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/common branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/common' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/common updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/models branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/models' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/models updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/api branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/api' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/api updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/pap branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/pap' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/pap updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/apex-pdp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/apex-pdp' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/apex-pdp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/drools-pdp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/drools-pdp' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/drools-pdp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/xacml-pdp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/xacml-pdp' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/xacml-pdp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/distribution branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/distribution' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/distribution updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/clamp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/clamp' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/clamp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/gui branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/gui' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/gui updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating data from repo policy/drools-applications branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . updating repository 'policy/drools-applications' . . . Already on 'jakarta' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'. Already up to date. Current branch jakarta is up to date. data from repo policy/drools-applications updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . policy framework data from 'onap' updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . . Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images policy/parent,3.5.4,3.5.5-SNAPSHOT,1, policy/docker,2.4.4,2.4.5-SNAPSHOT,85,'policy-jre-alpine':'policy-jdk-alpine':'policy-db-migrator' policy/common,1.10.4,1.10.5-SNAPSHOT,0, policy/models,2.6.5,2.6.6-SNAPSHOT,2,'policy-models-simulator' policy/api,2.6.4,2.6.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-api' policy/pap,2.6.4,2.6.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-pap' policy/apex-pdp,2.7.4,2.7.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-apex-pdp' policy/drools-pdp,1.10.4,1.10.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-drools' policy/xacml-pdp,2.6.4,2.6.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-xacml-pdp' policy/distribution,2.7.4,2.7.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-distribution' policy/clamp,6.2.4,6.2.5-SNAPSHOT,8,'policy-clamp-backend':'policy-clamp-ac-pf-ppnt':'policy-clamp-ac-k8s-ppnt':'policy-clamp-ac-http-ppnt':'policy-clamp-runtime-acm' policy/gui,2.2.4,2.2.5-SNAPSHOT,2,'policy-gui' policy/drools-applications,1.10.4,1.10.5-SNAPSHOT,6,'policy-pdpd-cl'
Perform Phase 1, update of references in policy/parent
% releasePhase.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 1 Updating parent references in the parent pom and generating commit . . . updating policy parent reference to 3.5.5 on onap/policy/parent . . . policy parent reference updated on onap/policy/parent generating commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' . . . [jakarta ae6cc59] update parent references in policy/parent pom 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' generated sending commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' to gerrit . . . remote: remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done remote: remote: SUCCESS remote: remote: https://gerrit.onap.org/c/onap/policy/parent/+/15332 update parent references in policy/parent pom [NEW] remote: To ssh://gerrit.onap.org:29418/onap/policy/parent * [new reference] HEAD -> refs/for/jakarta commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' sent to gerrit . . . Updated parent references in the parent pom and generated commit
The references are updated in the local repositories and a commit is created in Gerrit for the change.
The commit is reviewed and merged as normal.
Phase 2: Release policy/parent
When the commit for Phase 1 has been merged and the merge job has completed, stage the release of the policy/parent Maven artifacts by giving the stage-release magic word as a comment on the release commit. When the stage release job has completed in Gerrit, you can proceed to run Phase 2.
Get the release data.
The output from git on the getReleaseData.sh script is omitted from Phase 2 for brevity.
% getReleaseData.sh -l onap -b jakarta Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images policy/parent,3.5.4,3.5.5-SNAPSHOT,1, policy/docker,2.4.4,2.4.5-SNAPSHOT,85,'policy-jre-alpine':'policy-jdk-alpine':'policy-db-migrator' policy/common,1.10.4,1.10.5-SNAPSHOT,0, policy/models,2.6.5,2.6.6-SNAPSHOT,2,'policy-models-simulator' policy/api,2.6.4,2.6.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-api' policy/pap,2.6.4,2.6.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-pap' policy/apex-pdp,2.7.4,2.7.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-apex-pdp' policy/drools-pdp,1.10.4,1.10.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-drools' policy/xacml-pdp,2.6.4,2.6.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-xacml-pdp' policy/distribution,2.7.4,2.7.5-SNAPSHOT,1,'policy-distribution' policy/clamp,6.2.4,6.2.5-SNAPSHOT,8,'policy-clamp-backend':'policy-clamp-ac-pf-ppnt':'policy-clamp-ac-k8s-ppnt':'policy-clamp-ac-http-ppnt':'policy-clamp-runtime-acm' policy/gui,2.2.4,2.2.5-SNAPSHOT,2,'policy-gui' policy/drools-applications,1.10.4,1.10.5-SNAPSHOT,6,'policy-pdpd-cl'
Perform Phase 2, release policy/parent
% releasePhase.sh -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 2 Generating artifact release yaml file and commit for policy/parent . . . have you run 'stage-release' on the 'policy/parent' repo? y Branch: jakarta Project: policy/parent Version: 3.5.5 Stage ID: policy-parent-maven-stage-jakarta/145/ Creating /Users/liam/work/releases/onap/policy/parent/releases/3.5.5.yaml generating commit for policy/parent release: 3.5.4-->3.5.5 . . . generating commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' . . . [jakarta 2f0ceb1] Release policy/parent: 3.5.5 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) create mode 100644 releases/3.5.5.yaml commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' generated sending commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' to gerrit . . . remote: remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1 remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done remote: remote: SUCCESS remote: remote: https://gerrit.onap.org/c/onap/policy/parent/+/15333 Release policy/parent: 3.5.5 [NEW] remote: To ssh://gerrit.onap.org:29418/onap/policy/parent * [new reference] HEAD -> refs/for/jakarta commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' sent to gerrit . . . commit for policy/parent release: 3.5.4-->3.5.5 generated Generated artifact release yaml file and commit for policy/parent
The onap/policy/parent/releases/3.5.5.yaml file is created and a commit is raised on gerrit.
The commit is reviewed and merged as normal.
Subsequent Phases
Subsequent phases proceed in a similar manner with executions of getReleaseData.sh followed by executions of releasePhase.sh.
Appendix I: Release Script Usage
Script | Description |
bumpSnapshots.sh | bumpSnapshots.sh - generate commits to bump the snapshot version and update references to snapshot references |
generateCommit.sh | generateCommit.sh - generates a new commit or a patch on an existing commit for PF releases |
getReleaseData.sh | getReleaseData.sh - gets information from the checked out Policy Framework repos for the release process |
mkart.sh | mkart.sh - create the release yaml file to release the current snapshot on the current repo |
mkdock.sh | mkdock.sh - create the release container yaml file to release the docker images on the current repo |
newReleaseSnapshots.sh | on release changes, generate commits to set the snapshot version and update |
releasePhase.sh | releasePhase.sh - execute a certain policy framework release phase |