2021-09-09 Doc project meeting

2021-09-09 Doc project meeting


 @Nicholas Karimi     @Andreas Geißler @Eric Debeau @Timo Perala 


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Doc Procedures

Procedure "P01: Create documentation for an ONAP main release" is currently under development by @Thomas Kulik

A dedicated procedure related for Maintenance Release: P02: Create documentation for an ONAP maintenance release (doc project team)


  • Team: Please review and give feedback what can be improved. Done by @Eric Debeau @Andreas Geißler 

ArchNav Internship / SVG ArchMap

  • Internship of @Nicholas Karimi has come to an end

  • ArchNav will be maintained by @Chaker Al-Hakim 

No update on that topic. Still discussion to open source the


  • Check with @Chaker Al-Hakim

Architecture Documentation in RTD

There is the need to move finalized ONAP architecture documentation from DevWiki to RTD. Especially the following section are from interest (examples from the Istanbul release):

Evaluation started; Confluence has now a new functionality to export a page to markdown format; lets see if/how this can help (attachements unfortunately are not included)

Pending pach: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/doc/+/123946. @Eric Debeau did some comments


  • @Andrea Visnyeito support the process of transferring the information from DevWiki to RTD

  • @Thomas Kulikto support here and check how this process can be automated. Especially the embedded draw.io diagrams (special confluence macro) may cause problems if we use confluence2md to export pages). Shedule a meeting with @Chaker Al-Hakimand team.

  • @Chaker Al-Hakimand team to support the transfer.

  • @Chaker Al-Hakim@Thomas Kulikand teams to create a process to transfer information to RTD also for upcoming releases.

  • DOC team will migrate 3 to 5 pages / the remaining pages are in the responsibility of the ARC team

Backlog Clean/Sort/Reorder

We will do it in jira!


@Thomas Kulikhas prepare a deduplicated and sorted list of open tasks. Next step is to go through the list and remove outdated/unwanted entries.

Issue with RTD TOC


@Andrea Visnyei / @Thomas Kulik check RTD TOC for https://docs.onap.org/en/latest/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/templates.html

Doc Templates


@Andrea Visnyei and @Andreas Geißler to check current component template and improve if needed

API Documentation

@Eric Debeau asked @Andy Mayer to participate to next Doc meeting


@Kenny Paul , @Eric Debeau Session with @Andy Mayer  needed to clarify how we continue on the API documentation (swagger). The API docs are part of the ARC docs. See also in DevWiki.

Doc Guideline


Ask users to add always the original file of grafics to the repo (plus the bitmap version of course which is used in wiki/RTD)

Istanbul Release

#doc team: Review Istanbul release notes and project content

@Eric Debeau and @Andreas Geißler reviewed and document the results in Istanbul Documentation

=> some comments from @Andreas Geißler 

Some projects to move on Maintained mode (ExternalAPI, VID)


@Eric Debeau Still clarification required for Architecture section (Architecture subcommittee)

@Eric Debeau  Modeling update to be checked

@Eric Debeau clarifitaion on MSB status

@Eric Debeau  @Andreas Geißler Eric Update conf.py file

Honolulu Maintenance Release

@Andreas Geißler started to create release notes based on Jira tickets

Still a bug fix for Honolulu to be fixed and documented


@Andreas Geißler will ask SO and CDS projects to finlaize the Docker creation and doumentation

it is also important to document the process (later on used in a procedure) => P02: Create documentation for an ONAP maintenance release (doc project team)

Usage of Confluence "Tasks" in Meeting Notes

Please do not use "Tasks" in this meeting note. The meeting note is planned to be copied for the next meeting. Unfortunately all "Tasks" are also copied and a NEW INSTANCE of this tasks is created. This leads to multiple duplicated of a single tasks. 
Suggestion: Create a single "Task Page" and embed only a reference in this meeting note. Please always check upfront if this task can/must be added to the DOC JIRA issues instead. 



  • @Kenny Paulto check if we can get support (eg. additional internship) to extend the capabilities of the "confluence2md" tool

  • @Kenny Paulto discuss with @Jessica Gonzalezif and how we can avoid multiple duplicated tasks in the DevWiki

  • @Thomas Kulikto add a chapter  to RTD that holds information about UseCases and supporting ONAP releases (like we have it in the Architecture Navigator)

Vacations & Upcoming Meetings

  • @Thomas Kulik Vacation from 03.09.2021 until 17.09.2021

  • @Andreas Geißler Vacation from 13.09.2021 until 24.09.2021 

  • next #doc meeting scheduled for 16.09.2021 and lead by @Eric Debeau