


In ONAP Guilin release as part of E2E Network slicing use case, to test the features like creation of the 5G Core slice and monitor the performance parameters through closed loop action, a 5G core network simulator needs to be developed.


Develop AMF, SMF, UPF simulator containers, each triggering periodic notification for the PM file generated, by a FileReady VES EVENT from each container to VES-Collector.

Detail understanding and block diagram:

As part of the Allocate NSI operation, the following scenarios are possible:

  • Existing NSI is reused, which means existing Core NSSI shall be reused: In this case, the S-NSSAI information and related Slice Profile information shall be updated by the Core NSSMF (config map update) in the relevant Core CNFs.

  • New NSI is created, which reuses an existing Core NSSI. In this case also, the S-NSSAI information and related Slice Profile information shall be updated by the Core NSSMF (config map update) in the relevant Core CNFs.

  • New NSI is created, which results in creation of a new Core NSSI. In this case, a new set of Core CNFs namely AMF, SMF and UPF shall be instantiated by the Core NSSMF. The S-NSSAI information and related Slice Profile information shall be updated by the Core NSSMF (config map update) in the newly instantiated Core CNFs.

Core network simulators and their communications are as depicted in the figure below :-

Based on the configurations received from the core-NSSMF, each network simulator shall generate the PM data for all active S-NSSAI’s (i.e. S-NSSAI with status “activated” only reports the PM data, S-NSSAI with status “created” and “de-activated” shall not report anything) to Bulk PM through notifyFileReady VES event (sample VES request is provided in the reference section). Each CNF also hosts a FTPES/SFTP server through which the DFC can collect the PM file.

List of PM Data reporting parameters:

List of PM data parameters to be reported by Core NF simulator as per 3GPP TS 28.554 V16.4 and 3GPP TS 28.552 V16.5.

Below is the list of parameters to be reported with reference to 3GPP TS 28.552 V16.5

AMF:                   Mean number of registered subscribers (AMFRegNbr)

SMF:                   Number of PDU sessions (Mean) ( PDUSesMeanNbr)

UPF:                   Number of octets of outgoing GTP data packets on the N3 interface, from UPF to (R)AN (DownstreamThr)                   Number of octets of incoming GTP data packets on the N3 interface, from (R)AN to UPF (UpstreamThr)                   Number of octets of outgoing GTP data packets on the N3 interface, from UPF to (R)AN per configured granularity period  (N3DownstreamThr)                   Number of octets of incoming GTP data packets on the N3 interface, from (R)AN to UPF per configured granularity period  (N3UpstreamThr)

  • PM Data generated shall be updated in the PM file as per the specified format in 3GPP TS 28.532 v16.3.0 section

  • PM file naming conventions shall be followed as per 3GPP TS 28.532 v16.3.0 section

  • A fileReady notification event shall be triggered through VES to Bulk_PM VES-Collector as per the VES 7.1 specifications.

Note: Generating PM data will be in line with the relevant parameters in the Slice Profile. For example, the PDU sessions for a NSSAI shall not exceed the maxNumberofConns in the Slice Profile, and UpstreamThr shall not exceed the uLThptPerSlic, etc.

References: -

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