MDONS Extension in R7
Table of Contents
Key contact persons
@Raghavan Subramanian @Xin Miao
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - This requirement introduces enhancements to MDONS (Multi-Domain Optical Network Services) that was added in R6 enabling e2e orchestration of optical services & resource management. Some of the functionality we plan to introduce for R7:
Standards based enhancements: OpenROADM / ONF T-API topology updates, MEF 63/64 service definitions at design time
Cross-carrier service decomposition - BSS / OSS coordination
Asynchronous notification handling
Intelligent domain link selection & routing
BUSINESS IMPACT - The requirement will enable automation of the design and activation of optical services spanning service provider networks leveraging standards & will speed time to revenue.
BUSINESS MARKETS - Applicable to any service provider offering global enterprise services or services that otherwise extend beyond their own network resources. It also applies to service providers with independent operational units that effectively operate as separate service providers. Primarily targeting management of optical/transport domains through ONAP
FUNDING/FINANCIAL IMPACTS - While this automation may result in some CAPEX savings due to improved management of interconnect points, it will primarily reduce OPEX by automating some of the manual steps required for service provider interconnections. It will also allow service providers to respond more quickly to service orders requiring off-net resources, thus reducing time to revenue. It will enable support for SLAs and adherence to service constraints that potentially allow for the development of new premium service offerings.
ORGANIZATION MGMT, SALES STRATEGIES - There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
OOF Support
Introduce API to handle Inter Domain Link (IDL) selection/path optimization
Details for OOF support is defined here.
Asynchronous Domain Service Activation Handling through SDNC/SO
Add call back API at SO per domain service activation notification from domain controller through SDNC
Details for Async Handling approach is defined here.
OTN Service Assurance
IDL failure/restoration closed loop
Closed Loop as well as OTN network service and topology data collection from domain controller and data analysis
Details of MDONS Closed Loop approach is defined here.
Impacts Summary
PROJECT | PTL | User Story / Epic | Requirement |
OOF | @Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan | New API to handle Inter Domain Link selection/path optimization | C/T |
SO | @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti |
| C/T |
SDNC | @Dan Timoney |
| C/T |
DCAE | @Vijay Kumar |
| T |
HOLMES | @Guangrong Fu | Define alarm correlation rule and build DCAE Output event | C/T |
POLICY | @Pamela Dragosh | Define Operational Policy and engine configuration | T |
Integration | @Morgan Richomme | New test cases Documentation updates |
List of PTLs: Approved Projects
Requirement Status
Development Status
key | summary | type | created | updated | assignee | reporter | priority | status | resolution | subtasks | fixversions |
Test Status
1 | There should be a test case for each item in the sequence diagram | NOT YET TESTED |
2 | create additional requirements as needed for each discreet step | COMPLETE |
3 | Test cases should cover entire Use Case | PARTIALLY COMPLETE |
4 | Test Cases should include enough detail for testing team to implement the test | FAILED |
Discussion Materials
This section is to review slides for discussion.