2020-07-01 Control Loop Sub Committee

2020-07-01 Control Loop Sub Committee

Discussion items 


Agenda Item

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Agenda Item

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New operational policy proposal

Don Nyan

@Liam Fallon

Deferred to next week

Intent based networking proposal from China Telecom and some other companies.

It was a very interesting proposal from China Telecom. It would be interesting for us to get a chance to understand the proposal in a little more detail. There were multiple control loops in there, and there is overlap with what is happening in other projects.

From a control loop side, it would be good to work with China Telecom and Huawei so that we can work together and reduce or eliminate any functional overlap and get good alignment with other initiatives. As this is a multi-project initiative, the CL subcommittee would be a good forum to explore this item.

AP: Invite the China Telecom people to come and present the proposal to the Control Loop subcommittee.  The item is here REQ-329: Guilin-R7 - Support for Intent-based NetworkDone

TOSCA Based Control Loop

Will be presented to the TSC tomorrow. TSC approval is not formally required but we should take the opportunity to present to them.

Control Loop Documentation

@Ken KANISHIMA informed the meeting that, at the Documentation project meeting, Kenny Paul announced that the LFN has hired a team of technical writers to improve the ONAP documentation. One of the areas that they will be focusing on is Control Loop Design documentation. Amar from Aarna networks is the tech writing team lead.

Unification of Service Assurance sync up calls and CL subcommittee calls

@cl664y@att.com has been running some sessions on operationalization of control loops, Service Assurance Sync-Up calls. There was a proposal to get those discussions to be brought to the Control Loop subcommittee. @Scott Blandford pointed out that those discussions would be very valuable to have on the Control Loop subcommittee rather than as a separate series of meetings. The proposal is to unify the calls.

Status of Self Serve control loop

Self service control loops, may be a PoC in Guilin because the main DCAE-MOD work is a PoC. The NiFi approach will be retained in Guilin, with some enhancements such as health check. DCAE-MOD is usable, but it is at "working well but use at your own risk" in Guilin.

Readthedocs is available for DCAE-MOD, explaining the current structure. In Guilin documentation will be improved.

Presentation of Control Loop TOSCA proposal

@Michela Bevilacqua

@Michela Bevilacqua and Calin Curescu presented the TOSCA approach for defining control loops.

DCAEMOD_CLAMP and Policy interworking_2020_07_01.pptx




  • @Pamela Dragosh will be OOO

  • Architecture review happened yesterday Jun 30, 2020 regarding the subcommittee's 3 requirements - no issues except getting arch documents accurate. @Scott Blandford@Vijay Kumar and @Pamela Dragosh