ONAP Meetings and Zoom Bridge Policy

ONAP Meetings and Zoom Bridge Policy

Updated Oct 6, 2020 

Meeting and bridge policies are subject to change based upon conditions. In the case of security or account management issues policies may be enacted by the LF for the protection of the community without the formal approval of the ONAP TSC being required. 

General Information

Access to meeting/bridge information 

Oct 6, 2020 To access ONAP meeting information please go to ONAP Meeting Info Home  wiki page or the Groups.io calendar at https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-meetings/calendar 
All meeting information is always required to be publically viewable but as a result of Zoom bombing of the community a Linux Foundation account must be used to gain access to the information. All members of the community are required to login before accessing mailing lists, the wiki, and all LF infrastructure.  Bridge information and passcodes are not to be distributed to locations on the wiki or email lists that are accessible as an anonymous user, bot or search engine.   

Meeting Platform

Zoom continues to be our primary tool for hosting geographically distributed video/voice meetings for the ONAP open source community. We are aware that some member companies have recently taken action to block the use of Zoom as a mass collaboration platform due to the recent scrutiny Zoom has received in light of it's exponential increase in usage globally.  It is important for all to understand the following:

  • ONAP Zoom sessions are open meetings that are open to the public. All are invited to attend.

  • Internal company meetings, proprietary information or business secrets should ever be conducted or discussed using any of our community Zoom bridges

  • Zoom is one of the better platforms for access from within China

  • Zoom meetings are platform independent and can be joined via a desktop app, a web browser, or just by phone

Calendar Platform

Groups.io is the common calendar platform for all ONAP meetings.  A single group, https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-meetings has been established where all meetings should be listed. More information is available in this sticky-post: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-meetings/message/9

Calendar & Scheduling Policies

Considerate Global Scheduling

When ONAP launched there was a community wide agreement that there would be no meetings scheduled between 00:00 and 06:00 in any time zone.  The community has gone to great lengths to try and adhere to that agreement the realities of business make that unachievable in a number of situations.  Contributors in Asia constantly bear the unfair brunt of meetings which are too often scheduled to conveniently accommodate only contributors in North America. Please be sensitive and do your best to be flexible.

UTC is the Common Time Zone

Regardless of any preferred regional time zone a team may have for their meeting, all ONAP meetings are to be scheduled using UTC.   For example while a team may decide that 09:00 Eastern time is when they want to have their meeting, it still needs to be scheduled using UTC.   In addition to the requirement that meetings are scheduled using UTC it is highly recommended that the meeting also be anchored to UTC which never changes like most regional time zones which change seasonally.

If a meeting is anchored to any time zone other then UTC it is the meeting owner's responsibility to update the meeting invitation and any published information about the meeting twice a year when your regional daylight savings time changes.  Please note:

  • Meetings anchored to UTC always have scheduling priority over meetings anchored to a regional time zone.  If your meeting has been anchored to a regional time zone and a seasonal change causes your meeting to then conflict with an UTC anchored meeting, your meeting needs to change.


Zoom Usage Policies

The following policy provisions have been enacted for the use of shared ONAP Zoom Community accounts. Meetings that are hosted using a personal bridge are not subject to these restrictions. If these are unacceptable to you, then please feel free to host meetings from your own Zoom account.

Gaining Host Access

Host access will only be provided via the shared "ONAP Zoom Community" folder in LastPass.  After a meeting has started the Host can grant co-host privledges or reassign the host to anyone else on the call.

  • To get a LastPass account (if you don't already have one) go to https://www.lastpass.com and click the "Get LastPass For Free" button.

  • Create a sharing key either by using the LastPass browser plugin, or manually using the "Generate Sharing Keys" link on the LastPass website.

  • After you have a LastPass account go to https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/create/232 with the following info.

    • Summary: Need Access to <onap-account# here> 

    • Description: must include:

      • the name of the meeting you need host access for

      • the email address associated with your LastPass account

    • Project: ONAP

Join before host

Oct 6, 2020 

  • Waiting room must be enabled and used

  • Screen sharing must be must initiated by the host.

LastPass Audit

accounts with access to the shared "ONAP Zoom Community" will be audited annually.  

  • The ONAP PM will send out a single email to the address associated with an individual's LastPass account. 

  • The user will have 14 days to respond and confirm access is still required

  • If there is no response the access will be deleted from the LastPass shared access list. 

Zoom meeting bridges do not "automatically renew"

  • This is not anything new. It has always been that way. The recurrence for a meeting has a limited duration and then it expires. When it expires it is no longer viewable on the "Upcoming Meeting" list.

  • There is a "feature" in Zoom, (we firmly consider it to be a bug), where a meeting can expire and drop off the meeting list for the Zoom account, but the meeting ID can still be used. 

  • It is the responsibility of the meeting owner to renew their bridges every 11 months at a minimum to make sure the meeting is always visible to other ONAP Zoom Community users.

  • If a meeting bridge expires the meeting owner must set up a new bridge.

  • If your meeting expired and another person used that same time slot on that same bridge to create a different meeting, you will need to look for an available slot on another bridge. 

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