DCM Operation
The DCM is one of the components of ONAP4K8s, it is responsible for the creation of logical clouds see Distributed Cloud Manager for more detail. This page will describe how the DCM will operate in detail as well as the components that will make its operation possible.
Logical Cloud Creation Sequence
In order to create a logical cloud, a user call various API as described in Distributed Cloud Manager. The API and sequence are listed below
Logical cloud creation API
Logical cloud cluster API - the user calls this API every time a cluster is added to the logical cloud. (if a logical cloud spans 3 clusters, this API will be called 3 times)
Logical cloud quota API
Apply API
Although there are other APIs for the DCM, the above are absolutely required to create a logical cloud. When the user calls each API (except the Apply API), the API stores the contents in MongoDB, finally the user calls the Apply API. On calling the apply API, the DCM's apply.go code (see https://github.com/onap/multicloud-k8s/blob/master/src/dcm/pkg/module/apply.go), reads from MongoDB, creates the YAML resource string, saves the resources in etcd using the app context library and pings the resource synchronizer over gRPC to trigger the creation of the K8s resources from etcd.
Logical Cloud Creation command Sequence
The steps below describe the kubernetes steps that are done by the rsource syncronizer to create a logical cloud. It also describes the steps that have been implemented in the apply.go code above and the steps that are still being figured out. To create resources in a cluster, the DCM creates a the string representation of the YAML for the resource and saves it in etcd, the resource synchronizer then reads that and creates the resource in the clusters. Currently, the resource synchronizer can only run the equivalent of "kubectl create -f <yaml-file>
Create Namespace in all clusters
kubectl create -f <namespace-yaml>
Resource synchronizer logs into all the clusters specified by the logical cloud and runs the above command
2. Create User in all clusters (assuming user name is employee)
DCM creates a private key for user (e.g user employee) and saved in MongoDB
DCM creates a certificate sign request (CSR) and saves in etcd
The following commands need to be run in the cluster to certificate
kubectl certificate approve lc1-user-cert (TODO)
kubectl get csr lc1-user-cert -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}' | base64 --decode > employee.crt (TODO)
Generate kubeconfig in DCM:
attach cluster CA cert
attach cluster address
attach user private key
attach user signed cert by CA (TODO - see c.ii.)
DCM Creates Roles YAML using user permissions and saves it in etcd
DCM Creates Role Binding YAML and saves in etcd
Resource Synchronizer creates all the resources
kubectl create -f <csr yaml>
kubectl create -f <role yaml>
kubectl create -f <yaml>
Saved in ETCD:
employee.key (TODO)
employee csr yaml
Currently the following need to be done to create a user however, we are not sure how to do it yet
How to save the user key to be used in the cluster (investigating)
How to run the following commands (investigating):
kubectl certificate approve lc1-user-cert
kubectl get csr lc1-user-cert -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}' | base64 --decode > employee.crt
kubectl config set-credentials employee --client-certificate=/home/employee/.certs/employee.crt --client-key=/home/employee/.certs/employee.key
kubectl config set-context employee-context --cluster=cluster-name --namespace=lc1 --user=employee
3. Create Quota in all clusters
DCM creates quota file for lc1 namespace and stores it in etcd
kubectl create -f <quota-yaml>
Resource synchronizer should log into all the clusters belonging to the logical cloud and run the above command
Saved in ETCD: resource quota yaml
4. Create Service mesh in all clusters (see istio replicated control plane for ref) (Not Done)
DCM creates a namespace name for the istio namespace using the logical cloud name e.g istio-lci
DCM queries CA key controller for certificate bundle and saves it in etcd to be used to create secret
DCM creates charts for to be used to create the istio control plane and saves it in etcd
Resource Synchronizer creates the istio namespace
kubectl create namespace istio-lci
Resource synchronizer creates the istio secret using the certificate bundle stored in etcd
kubectl create secret generic cacerts -n istio-system --from-file=samples/certs/ca-cert.pem --from-file=samples/certs/ca-key.pem --from-file=samples/certs/root-cert.pem --from-file=samples/certs/cert-chain.pem
Resource synchronizer applies the istio multicluster gateway charts
Resource synchronizer modifies coredns in each cluster in the logical cloud to add the stub domain for the new logical cloud (Sequence TBD) adds the following to the coredns configmap for each cluster in the logical cloud
lc1:53 {
cache 30
forward . $(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istiocoredns -o jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP}):53
Saved in ETCD: istio namespace, istio chart, istio secret
The DCM need to install istio on multiple namespaces in the same k8s cluster, currently there are bugs are seen when istio is installed in a namespace aside the default istio-system
How to install istio through resource sync without using istioctl command
How to update coredns configmap with the stub domain in each cluster every time a new logical cloud is created