Multi Cluster App - gRPC
Multi Cluster App - gRPC
gRPC Plan
gRPC Controller Registration
Includes Sync service.
Example controller/sync registration flow:
Controllers gRPC Interface
Each controller will communicate with the Multi Cluster Application Scheduler through gRPC.
gRPC Code
gRPC patch: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/multicloud/k8s/+/100148
gRPC Messages
HPA Placement Controller
syntax = "proto3";
service controller {
// Controllers
rpc UpdateAppContext(ContextUpdateRequest) returns (ContextUpdateResponse) {
message ContextUpdateRequest {
string intent_group = 1;
string app_context = 2;
message ContextUpdateResponse {
bool app_context_updated = 1;
gRPC Server
gRPC Client
Sync gRPC Interface
Sync uService will communicate with the Multi Cluster Application Scheduler through gRPC.
gRPC Code
gRPC patch:
gRPC Messages
HPA Placement Controller
syntax = "proto3";
service sync {
// Sync
rpc InstallApp(InstallAppRequest) returns (InstallAppResponse) {
message InstallAppRequest {
string app_context = 1;
message InstallAppResponse {
bool app_context_installed = 1;
gRPC Server
gRPC Client
, multiple selections available,