DRAFT AAF Interfaces

DRAFT AAF Interfaces

AAF provides the following interfaces:

Interface Name

Interface Definition

 Interface Capabilities



Consumed Models

Interface Name

Interface Definition

 Interface Capabilities



Consumed Models


Application Authorization Framework Management Interface

  A user interface for:

  • to be filled in


Application Authorization Framework Authentication and Authorization Interface

 An interface for the ONAP components to:

  • to be filled in.

Note:   xxxI interface is a Component internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a component external interface

AAF Consumes no Interfaces:

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use

AAFE-3: AAF External Credential Interface

An interface to retrieve and authenticate using credentials from a credential supplier external to ONAP.

The current API documents can be found at:

  • AAFE-1 (to be added)

  • AAFE2 (to be added)

  • AAFE3 (to be added)