DRAFT IF ARC RunTime DB Component Description - Frankfurt

DRAFT IF ARC RunTime DB Component Description - Frankfurt


RunTime DB:

1 High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships 

The RunTime DB function provides storage for real-time run-time parameters that need to be used by ONAP. It provides


  • Run-Time data storage repository for: (1) configuration parameters used by xNFs in run time and (2) operational parameters used by ONAP and xNFs.

  • It is designed to be a common services data layer which can serve as a data lake.

  • Enables sync data with xNFs. (source of truth, sync data, restore/initialize). Can be used for xNF crash restoration, history management and auditing.

  • Enables OSS configuration, optimization, and LCM operations.


  • Run-Time parameters can be READ by any ONAP platform component and any plug-in.

  • Parameters can be READ/WRITE from Controllers, DCAE/DMaaP, A&AI and other components with permission settings.

  • SO, DCAE, A&AI, Controllers (CDS, APPC, SDNC) will have default read/write access to RunTime DB

  • Other components will have default read-only access to RunTime DB but can be given access on a per record basis.


  • Software keeps the A&AI elements with the elements in the RunTime DB in Sync. 

  • A&AI is still the master of valid entities in the network and provides a dynamic view of the assets (xNFs) available to ONAP

  • The RunTime DB is a master of the associate (exo-inventory) data associated with the entities.

  • When a xNF appears or is removed from the system, RunTime DB records will be added/removed based on A&AI entries.

  • Data Records will be indexed by xNF (VNF, PNF, ANF).

2. API definitions

RunTime DB provides the following interfaces:

Interface Name

Interface Definition

 Interface Capabilities



Consumed Models

Interface Name

Interface Definition

 Interface Capabilities



Consumed Models


RunTime DB Interface. 

An interface to create, update, retrieve, query, delete information from the RunTime DB.


 - SO, DCAE, A&AI, Controllers (CDS, APPC, SDNC) will have default read/write access to RunTime DB

 - Other components will have default read-only access to RunTime DB but can be given access on a per record basis.


RunTime DB Graphical User Interfaces 

Provides the capability to view and edit the data currently in the RunTime DB.

Note:   xxxI interface is a Component internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a component external interface

The current API documents can be found at:

RTDB consumes the following Interfaces:

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use


To receive the service and resource artifacts from SDC.


(1) ONBOARDING - A vendor onboards artifacts describing the parameters supported for their PNFs and VNFs.

(2) SDC CATALOG - The onboarded artifacts are stored in the SDC Catalog after onboarding and validated (VNF-SDK).

(3) CSAR DISTRIBUTION - The contents of the artifacts are distributed by SDC in a CSAR package onto the DMaaP bus.

(4) SETTING UP RUNTIME DB - S/W to setup the RunTime using the content of the CSAR package consumes the SDC CSAR Package.

3. Component Description:

A more detailed figure and description of the component.

4. Known system limitations

5. Used Models

RunTime DB uses the following models:

  • Inventory Model

6. System Deployment Architecture

7. New Capabilities in this Release

This release, RunTime DB adds the following Capabilities:

  • -

8. References
