DRAFT IF ARC AAI Component Description - Dublin
AAI (Available and Active Inventory):
1 High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
The AAI (Available and active inventory) function provides real-time views of the resource and services in managed by and their relationships. It provides
Realtime views of the managed resources and services and their relationships
The relevance of the managed resources and services to the ONAP components.
It is a registry of the active, available and assigned assets.
It maintains a multidimenstional relationship amongst the managed services and resources.
2. API definitions
3. Component Description:
A more detailed figure and description of the component.
4. known system limitations
5. Used Models
AAI uses the following models:
Inventory Model
6. System Deployment Architecture
7. New Capabilities in this Release
This release, AAI adds the following Capabilities:
8. References
AAI read the docs: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/submodules/aai/aai-common.git/docs/index.html?highlight=AAI
AAI GUI: AAI Graphical User Interface