

Demo Flash linkONAP Powered VPN Plus

This demo aims to show that we can provide a comprehensive solution by ONAP including enterprise VPN Service, high speed 5G service, edge computing and intelligent analysis.

This scenario follows CCVPN scenario in which VPN services are stretched from enterprise headquarter and enterprise branches. Beside the value added service like the deployment of AI analysis Apps, 5G slice creation is also provided in case of an emergency to guarantee HQ video's delivery.

Main features of this demo:

  1. Add 5G slice creation based on the new release of ONAP(Dublin Release), supporting the agile design of new service

  2. Deploy intelligent security system developed by CMCC team

  3. Plan to repay the results to the community and open ONAP design, orchestration, monitor and strategy interfaces to 3rd parties application

Some Instructions:

  1. Down load the file "CCVPN+5G–VPN PLUS.swf"on this link:ONAP Powered VPN Plus

  2. Display it by directly drag the .swf file in the web browser

  3. Control the display process by the "forward" and "back" click

4. The demo includes 3 parts:

  • Scenario Introduction

  • 4 main processes: Operator Design Service, Customer Buy Service, ONAP Orchestrate Service, Customer Use Sevice

  • simple demo intro

You can watch the 4 main processes step by step by clicking "forward" or clicking the one you want to watch.