M3 Gate (Dublin Control Loop)

M3 Gate (Dublin Control Loop)


List by each relevant project


How to?

List of not supported/wrongly supported etc. APIs along with the corresponding project name


Links to the corresponding project’s information

In case some parts of use case/ functional requirement implementation are broken, this will raise the flag

Link to the API Documentation



This field is optional, will be filled in in case use case/functional requirements owner believes it can bring more clarity

Additional information



This field is optional, will be filled in in case use case/functional requirements owner believes it can bring more clarity

API List





Policy Lifecycle  API


POLICY-1441: Policy Lifecycle API RESTful Create/Read Main Entry Point for Policy TypesClosed

POLICY-1442: Policy Lifecycle API RESTful Create/Read Main Entry Point for Concrete PoliciesClosed

POLICY-1446: Policy Lifecycle API RESTful Delete Main Entry Point for Policy TypesClosed

POLICY-1447: Policy Lifecycle API RESTful Delete Main Entry Point for Concrete PoliciesClosed