Data Model Interest Group 2018-11-26 Meeting Minutes

Data Model Interest Group 2018-11-26 Meeting Minutes

Agenda: the PNF model for the Dublin release

Recordings: the meeting was not recorded


The meeting was disrupted by multiple Zoom service failures.

Below is an attempt to gather the main points presented during the call:

  1. Extension of the existing PNF model: The current ONAP model for PNF is based on node types derived from the abstract type org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.PNF (AID) with substituting topology  that can only contain CP node templates. For Dublin, we also need the ability to extend this model with new properties and artifacts. We need a good example of a PNF onboarding package to better understand the requirement.

  2. PNF onboarding: so far the only way for a PNF to get into an ONAP service is through composition in SDC. There is a request to allow onboarding PNFs in a way similar to what we currently have for VNFs.

  3. PNF packaging: if we decide to support PNF onboarding, then what would be the packaging format for the onboarded materials? Options to consider:

    1. "Vanilla" TOSCA CSAR as defined in the TOSCA YAML Specs - falls short in meeting many important requirements, such as address important requirements, such as security, intergrity, etc.

    2. SOL004 - is all about VNFDs, says nothing about PNFs

    3. SOL007 - focused on ETSI NSDs, does not mention PNFs either

    4. anything else?

  4. Should the ONAP packaging standard for VNFs be aligned with what we choose for PNFs? Can be a good idea, but not really high priority