Service Orchestrator Casablanca Function Test Cases

Service Orchestrator Casablanca Function Test Cases


All the test must base on the approved UseCase. Every issue must be create bug on the wiki,and register the bug id to the following "Bug List" column?

Function Test Cases



Bug List




Bug List


Create voLTE Service

Create end 2 end service by SO create interface

Demonstrated in Amsterdam and Beijing

Delete voLTE Service

Based on the voLTE UseCase, delete end 2 end service by SO delete interface

Demonstrated in Amsterdam and Beijing

Query Operation Status

Based on the voLTE UseCase, query the progress of the operation(create or delete)

Demonstrated in Amsterdam and Beijing

Create vCPE Infrastructure (HEAT)

Based on the vCPE use case, create the service infrastructure by SO create interface via HEAT

Demonstrated in Amsterdam and Beijing

Create vCPE Infrastructure (TOSCA)

Based on the vCPE use case, create the service infrastructure by SO create interface via ARIA

Demonstrated in Amsterdam and Beijing

VF instantiation

Based on the vCPE use case, create a user service on the previously constructed infrastructure, the same will also be used for the manual scale-out VF.

Demonstrated in Bejing for manual scaling will be extended or the Auto Scaling feature in Casablanca.

Homing Solution

Homing of VNFs interacting with OOF based on the HPA usecase demonstration.

Homing and placement for the OOF, demonstrated in Beijing for VCPE and extended to other usecases in Casablanca


Scale out of the services in the manual auto scaling scenario.

Sclae-out usecase demonstration

PNF Support

Support the PNF on boarding as a part of the vCPE usecase

PNF on boarding with plug and play

Call the Service order of a third ONAP

Support the orchestration functionality of the third ONAP through service order request, this would include the use of new interfaces to SDNC

Demonstrate the CCVPN usecase