2018 2H Modeling sub-committee meeting agenda and minutes
Modeling project and Modeling sub-committee are using the same teleconf bridge, one week for Modeling project, then the next week will be for Modeling sub-committee.
Meeting Bridge
Meeting every Tuesday 9:00/10:00 EDT, 6:00/7:00 PDT, 15:00/16:00 CET, 9:00/10:00PM Beijing -
IRC -https://www.irccloud.com/#!/ircs://irc.freenode.net:6697/%23onap-modeling
Meeting bridge?https://zoom.us/j/137904496
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,137904496# or +16465588656,137904496#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 137 904 496 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a
Meeting List
- 1 20180904 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 2 20180828 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 3 20180821 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 4 20180814 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 5 20180807 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 6 20180731 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 7 20180725 SDC High level requirement documentation review
- 8 20180724 SDC High level requirement review and Minutes
- 9 20180723 R3/R4 DM discussion
- 10 20180723 SDC High level requirement review
- 11 20180718 SDC High level requirement review and Minutes
- 12 20180717 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 13 20180710 Meeting agenda and Minutes
- 14 20180703 Meeting agenda and Minutes
20180904 Meeting agenda and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1) Resource IM (Papyrus -NSD)
There is misunderstanding about who should be allowed to editing papyrus about NSD, YANG Xu will arrange a call this week to coordinating among Chuyi, Jessie.
2) Service IM
Work on R3 release recently.
3) Data Modeling
American Holiday, no progress this week
Michela suggest to have R4 internal data modeling wiki page clearly. what's vendor's requirement for this modeling.
Where is onboarding model discussion place. Anatoly need the help from architecture/PTLs to work together about onboarding translation to Internal model.
After Internal modeling, will allocate resource to onboarding model part mapping to internal model.
Anatoly will check with Lingli about VNF's example.
4) MEF Interlude information model and Cloud Service Architecture - (Mehmet)
Mehmet present cloud service architecture
20180828 Meeting agenda and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1 Resource IM
1.1 review NSD model, update model based on the implementation project, update this week, and update the UML diagram
1.2 PNF model discussion: still need further discussion, next week call again
1.3 Start to create documentation for R3. Reminder: M4 is code free , will be also for deadline for modeling documentation.
2 Service IM
2.1 Gil present the network service on boarding, discussion will continue this week.
2.2 start to contribute the documentation before M4 deadline.
3 Resource DM
3.1 alloted resource improved, got some questions, final pass next week.
4 Papyrus call
4.1 Underway for papyrus, VNFD/NSD/Common Model for R3
4.2 one bug not showstopper, but work around, bug files submit eclipse foundation
4.3 meet once a week, will try to make it accessible from China (switching time), please send proposed date/time to Jessie.no
5 Discussion on the conflict meeting time with SDC call @Michael Lando
5.1 Deng Hui will try to reach Michael to get a proposed solution for it.
6 Brianstorm on 5G modeling
6.1 Andy suggest that they feedback the requirements to subcommittee.
6.2 we will invite the 5G to come to our committee to present their 5G proposal and how we could help them to document it.
7 Mehmet propose to present MEF model related to ONAP next week.
7.1 combination the resource and service.
20180821 Meeting agenda and Minutes
The Meeting Recording may be found here: GMT20180821-130332_-modeling-_1680x1050.mp4
Housekeeping: Sub-committee election. Please identify voting member for each company: Modeling Subcommittee Members
ONAP Common Versioning Strategy (Dana Bobko)
List of priority items:
Internal distributed Service and Resource Models;
Need to share versioning strategy with SDC to align; Dana Bobkowill use CVS meeting
Thinh Nguyenphu will prepare versioning values used in ONAP for use in the CVS meeting
Should internal model also maintain the original on-boarded VNFD Version?
On-boarding Resource Models
Need to share with VNF Requirements project for HEAT
Incorporate Versioning Strategy Resource into On-boarding data and information model
Proposed Approach for ONAP Runtime Support of Network Service Onboarding (Gil Bullard)
See: Proposed ONAP Runtime Support for Network Service Onboarding v3.pptx
Gil Bullard to discuss comments during the Friday VNF SDK Package Modeling (advertise Wednesday Service Modeling Call)
Update from ONAP Meetup in China (shitao li)
Resource IM Status (Xu Yang)
Reviewed comments for VNFD and Instance model; Run-time needs further refinement
Next week Review NSD model for R3
Resource DM Status (Anatoly Katzman)
Allotted resource modeling discussion; Links to material will be placed on ONAP Wiki
Timeline for post-Casablanca model needs to be identified
Resources related to the Allotted Resource model:
Service Modeling Status (Lingli Deng)
Meeting notes: ONAP R3+ Service Modeling Discussion Calls#20180815
Policy Modeling Status (Pramod Jamkhedkar)
Policy Framework is working on Policy APIs and modeling of Policies (metadata, status, versioning, etc.)
Will update details next week
Kevin Scaggs will work with Pramod Jamkhedkar on documenting the Policy Info Model
Papyrus Update (Kevin Scaggs, Jessie S Jewitt)
Resource Model is all in Papyrus
Some tool issues are being addressed
Need to discuss Gerrit approval and update processes for both working branch and master branch
VES model is nearing completion
Planning on scheduling weekly Papyrus meetings
20180814 Meeting agenda and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1) Resource IM 5min (Xu Yang)
two pages which are under review for the resource IM, anyone who are interested are welcomed to comment on the wiki page
2) DM 3 min (Anatoly Katzman)
Current service template may support both E2E service and NSD, despite the differences of all those services.
Create a special wiki page to bring the questions, but not yet received any comments.
Data Model Interest Group 2018-08-13 Meeting Minutes
Next week plan is do alloted resource or PNF model.
Election discussion (Kenny Paul)
Kenny Paul will restart the election procedure totally, modeling subcommittee will shutdown the election page.
Annual Community Elections - Process#SubcommitteeChairElections
Deng will create voter list under membership wiki page for review.
There are about 11 people prefer to have 2 serial election/seperated vote. 12 people prefer to have top 2.
Since 43 people are online, the conclusion will be top 2 election who will get the election.
NSD/SD dsicussion (Move to Wednesday service IM call)
3) VFC requirements for NSD (Yan Yang)
4) Resource/Service IM decision on NSD (Xu Yang)
5) NSD Proposal (Maopeng Zhang)
6) Service DM proposal (Anatoly Katzman)
7) NSD/SD next step
20180807 Meeting agenda and Minutes
later part of meeting is recorded here:
1) Resource IM 5min (YANG Xu)
2) DM 5min (Anatoly Katzman)
Different opinion about network service/Service modeling. make decision next week, then move to other topics.
the next item will be slicing how to modeling.
3) ONS-EU Meetup
Check how many people will be there based on wiki page, if not sufficient,then will cancel it.
4) CVS (Dana Bobko)
Common Versioning Architecture Team
Need modeling subcommittee reply on the versioning 6/6/2018 item 4. and 5/18/2018 item 1
@Former user (Deleted) @Anatoly Katzman@Zhuoyao Huang please help to feedback to @Dana Bobko
5) Questions about PNF and infrastructure modeling progress in the committtee. Impact on A&AI and SDC.
6) VES 7.0.1, Kevin is helping to work on this.
20180731 Meeting agenda and Minutes
1) Model freeze - Resource IM 20min (YANG Xu)
Action? 1) Try gendoc before thursday for model freeze; 2) alignment with IFA V2.5.1 could be done during Bug fix 3) Network Service review on wednesday, final agreement will be done by thursday. 4) if no agreement, will use sterero type to tag it as experiemental.
2) Model Freeze - Resource DM 15 min (Anatoly)
3) Modeling Subcommittee Election (Deng Hui)
Minutes: Deng Hui presented proposal: Modeling Subcommittee Election
Maopeng suggest attend the meeting is mandatory for member who is eligible to vote.
Andy and Alex suggest to allow the people could vote even though they haven't ever attend the modeling subcomimtee or make any contriubtion in the subcommitee before
Thinh suggest whether there is heavy burdern for chair to decide whether we need a vice chair,
Deng Hui answered that too many interest group calls which chair needs to attend, would better to have one.
Kevin support to have one vice chair.
alex asked to clarify the date for nomination and voting.
the community agree to lock the member now , it will not allow to add new members after the call.
20180725 SDC High level requirement documentation review
the meeting is recorded here:
20180724 SDC High level requirement review and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1) Update from Resource/Service IM (Lingli) 5min
Service call tomorrow about service descriptor review, anatoly will join
2) Update from R3 DM (Anatoly/Andy) 10min
Final call and no objection on this proposal, consensus has been achieved, will report to TSC based on this 2 pages.
3) PTLs review of the documentation of High Level Requirement (PTLs)
Anatoly will bring those back to Michael, and will setup a call wednesday 10am to continue to discuss this.
4) Model freeze Key issues, in DM/IM (Anatoly, Yang Xu/ Lingli)
Definition of model freeze is no new feature allowed, only bugs fix allowed, next week modeling committee will finalize all model, any proposal after will not be approved.
5) Papyrus related (Kevin, Jessie)
Working on these now, will come back later.
20180723 R3/R4 DM discussion
the meeting is recorded here:
20180723 SDC High level requirement review
The meeting is recorded here:
20180718 SDC High level requirement review and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
the meeting minutes:
1) 20180719 9am, last review from SDC before TSC meeting, will try to invite PTL from SDC/SO/A&AI
2) Service descriptor/resource composite/PNF/PNF instance/network Service/SD-WAN/Element group/Multicloud need to be reviewed
3) the committee will ask the approval for Implementation and documentation part, not for low priority and experiemental
4) WAN connection need modeling subcommittee review and approval
20180717 Meeting agenda and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1) Resource IM progress report (YANG Xu) 5min
Minutes: Postpone to Wednesday this week due to PTLs call confliction
2) Service IM - (Lingli) 5min
Minutes: The composite pattern will be used in the service model, the composite pattern in the resource needs further discussion in the resource call
3) R3 DM report (Anatoly/Andy) 30min
Minutes: Many comments on boarding model, and additional comments are listed here which needs further review and discussed.
Data Model Interest Group 2018-07-16 Meeting Minutes
4) Difference between R2DM and SOL001 (Victor) 2min
Minutes: Presented in DM interest group call, people could check it there.
5) Report to TSC (DENG) 10min
Minutes: Final consensus of modeling subcommittee is listed below:
R3 DM will still be ?20170717 consensus decision by modeling subcommunity?
•ONAP R2+ Design-Time Resource DM clean version enhancement for VoLTE, CCVPN, vCPE stretch goal
•ONAP SDC TOSCA AID enhancement for vCPE
•Collaborative work internal data model align with R3 IM for R4+ ASAP (start during Casablanca)
(backward compatible with onboarding model)
We may not need postpone our deadline of model freeze.
20180710 Meeting agenda and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1) Resource IM progress report (YANG Xu) 5min
Minutes: readout the meeting minutes and needs to call for agreement on obsoleting some attributes/datatypes of the resource IM
2) Service IM - Composite pattern call for agreement (Lingli) 10min
Minutes: Jessie said TOSCA doesn't support composite, Shitao said TOSCA can, so Jessie will provide the proof why TOSCA can't support composite, Shitao will provide the proof that TOSCA could support composite in one day,
if TOSCA support it, then high level requirement will include, if not, the high level requirement will not consider it at the moment.
3) High level requirement finalize and owner confirm (all) 15min
Minutes: Will call for owner of high level requirement in 2 days before TSC meeting, will drop no owner for requirements.
ONAP R3 Modeling High Level Requirements
4) DM report to TSC (Anatoly&DENG Hui) 15 min
Minutes: the draft slide has been finalized, will recommend the convergence or comparision by M2 modelfreeze. before TSC call this week, people could still comments and revise based on consensus discussion.
5) Time plan discussion
Minutes: recommend to postpone 2 weeks for model free.
6) IM discussion Procedure (Chris Donley) 5min
Minutes: Chris will report this to TSC about the consensus.
20180703 Meeting agenda and Minutes
the meeting is recorded here:
1) Resource IM progress report (YANG Xu)
review one week about lifecycle of IM, poll for consensus from next week
2) Service IM progress report (Lingli)
mintues readout, this week service call cancelled.
3) R3 DM report to TSC -1 (Anatoly)
prepare for TSC report, focus on VNFD
4) R3 DM report to TSC -2 (Thinh)
Prepare for TSC report
5) R3 DM summary (DENG Hui)
try to get feedback from user project of DM and use cases
6) R3 High level Requirement
skipped to next week
7) IM discussion Procedure (@Chris Donley)
Chris try to coordinate, if not Chris will report to TSC and let TSC to decide it.