2018 1H Modeling sub-committee meeting agenda and minutes

2018 1H Modeling sub-committee meeting agenda and minutes

Modeling project and Modeling sub-committee are using the same teleconf bridge, one week for Modeling project, then the next week will be for Modeling sub-committee.

Meeting Bridge

Meeting List

20180626 Meeting agenda and Minutes


1) R3 High level Requirement  (Release planning)

  add more description under each item.

2) IM discussion Procedure (@Chris Donley)

 chris will continue to lead this discussion

20180612 Meeting agenda and Minutes

The meeting is recorded here:

1) Resource IM (@Xu Yang)

A: Call for proposal approval this week

2) Service IM (@Lingli Deng)

A: Update Composite and recursive pattern

3) Resource DM (@Anatoly Katzman

A: Feedback on ONAP own DM, next step

4) Modeling process proposal 1 (@Kevin Scaggs)

A: How to handle papyrus review in Gerrit

5) Modeling process proposal 2 (@Lingli Deng)

Joint work need to make a compairison on two proposals

6) DM to IM (@victor gao)

20180606 Meeting agenda and Minutes

the meeting is recorded here:

1) Service IM (Lingli DENG)

2) Resource IM (YANG Xu)

3) DM (Anatoly) 

20180529 Meeting agenda and Minutes

the meeting is recorded here:

1) R2 DM progress                                 Victor   10m

 Great success, congratulations to coders team


2) Service IM requirement (CCVPN usecase)   Mengdi/Zengjianguo 15m

  CCVPN(Cross Domain and Cross Layer VPN) USE CASE

  terminology discussion mostly


3) Multicloud infomation model              Arun  25m

 More feedback in email, will come back once collect all comments

4) Draft R3 Modeling Requirements      Kevin 5m

  Deng Hui will work with Kevin to improve the procedure to adapt to the opensource


5) Resource IM                                      YANG Xu 5m

  request last call for comments for deprecated attributes, this week on friday, next week will be cancelled, and the week after will be Monday


6) DM                                                     Anatoly 5m

Modeling Data Model

1st meeting will start next Monday.


20180522 Meeting agenda and Minutes

Multicloud presentation is recorded here:


1) R2 DM progress               Victor   5m

Victor is working with Dejan on this verification, finished today, will wait for SDC verification later this week.

2) Service IM                   Lingli Deng 5m

M: Wednesday meeting

3) Resource IM                  YANG Xu 5m


3.1 ONAP feedback to ETSI last week, some further discussion will be needed in ONAP

3.2 please cast your vote on meeting time asap

Meeting Day/Time Poll


4) VES 6.0 update               Alok Gupta 10m


4.1 Some concern about the process of thsi spec, never discussed in modeling subcommittee, no IM, whehter papryus will be used


5) R3 DM Meeting  Day/Time Poll Anatoly 5m

R3 Data Model Meeting Day/Time Poll

M: 5.1 Please help to cast your vote asap


6) Multicloud infomation model  Ramki  25m

The Wiki pages for Cloud Infrastructure Modeling in general:


and for Cloud Aggregation Classes:


The presentation used in today’s (Tuesday May 22) Modeling Committee call is on the second page.


6.1 there was some concern to expose physical location,

6.2 Next week modeling will do it again

6.3 Please feedback in the mailling list on this topic before next week modeling call


7) Draft R3 Modeling Requirements Kevin 5m


20180515 Meeting agenda and Minutes

the meeting is recorded here:

1) R2 DM progress     Victor   5m 

there is still ongoing SDC verification on R2 DM

2) Modeling workflow   Lingli & Kevin   20m

No consensus, Lingli and Kevin will organize an offline meeting on this

3) R3 cross domain and cross layer VPN(CCVPN) use case  Meng Lin 5m

This is related to R3 Service Model

4) Multicloud infomation model  Ramki  15m

Next week postpone

5) Service IM                Lingli Deng 5m

6) Resource IM          YANG Xu 5m

20180508 Meeting agenda and Minutes

the meeting is recorded here:  


1) R2 DM                      Victor Gao 10m

Minutes and action items : Victor will send the job of nokia to thinh later


2) ETSI Correspondense Thinh 5m

Minutes: Yang Xu will share the doc number of ETSI NFV meeting, other companies could check whether they could cosign together

3) Disucssion on R3 DM   Anatoly Katzman 30m

Minutes: After 2 weeks, Anatoly will lead R3 DM discussion start from R2 DM


4) Modeling workflow Kevin

5) Service IM                Lingli Deng 5m

6) Resource IM          YANG Xu 5m


20180424 Meeting agenda and Minutes

the meeting was recorded here:

1) Modeling future working process discussion:         Lingli Deng 15m

2) R2 DM finalize?                     Victor Gao 5m

3) Resource IM            YANG Xu 5m

4) Feedback on R3 DM   Anatoly Katzman 15m


Anatoly will make further explaination how internal model design benefit use case and SO/VFC could work in this solution

5) Service IM                Lingli Deng 5m

6) ETSI Correspondense Thinh 5m


Action? Kevin will send the bridge into the list

20180410 Meeting agenda and Minutes

1) Papyrus:                                      5m Kevin Scaggs

Action? Kevin will send the bridge into the list

2) NSD IM Last call:                10m Maopeng Zhao 

Action: Maopeng will remove diagram, class prefix and openstack network class, then move into clean version

3) R3 DM proposal                          30m  Anatoly Katzman

audio recorded.

4) Service IM                                   5m Lingli Deng

finish the doodle this week

5) ETSI correspondense        5m Thinh

20180403 Meeting agenda and Minutes

1) Workshop minutes              10m Hui Deng

2) Service IM                            15m Lingli Deng

  • R2 service modeling will be the same as R1 service modeling which is confirmed by SDC/SO/HPA/VNFSDK/AAI/VFC

    • AR: request to move wiki threads to R3 workspace

  • Product is out of the scope of ONAP, but service order is

    • AR: keep service order (not for product order) proposal in the current discussion thread

  • Network Service Descriptor

    • ONAP service model is broader than ETSI NFV Network Service Descriptor

    • The current network service descriptor IM is in a stable phase, the last call ends Tuesday next week, feedback on the wiki or via email is welcome, another call would be set early next week

  • WAN Service Descriptor

    • Comments received from Nigel, and agreed to go with option 3 in changing some names for aligning with ONF IM concepts

  • Service layering class diagram

    • AR: cardinality corrections

    • AR: composite pattern instead of recursive aggregation, initiate last call ends Tuesday next week, feedback on the wiki or via email is welcome, another call would be set early next week

    • AR: decorator pattern for FFS

3) NSD IM Last call:                 10m Maopeng Zhao

4) Resource R2 DM:                 10m Victor

5) Resource R2 IM                    10m  Xu Yang

6) Papyrus:                                  5m Kevin Scaggs

7) ETSI correspondense             5m Thinh


20180320 Meeting agenda and Minutes

1) R2 IM final                              10m YANG Xu

2) R2 DM final:                          15m Victor

3) Resource DM R3 proposal:  15m Anatoly Katzman

4) Papyrus:                                  5m Kevin Scaggs

5) ETSI correspondense             5m Thinh

6) Modeling workshop                5m DENG Hui

20180313 Meeting agenda and Minutes

1) Resource DM R3 proposal:  15m Anatoly Katzman

2) IM R3 proposal:                     15m Kevin Scaggs

3) Resource DM Update:           15m Victor

4) Modeling workshop                5m

5) ETSI correspondense           5m Thinh

20180306 Meeting agenda and Minutes

1) DM:                     Anatoly Katzman

?Victor’s proposal will be agreed – TOSCA NFV profile plus R2 IM+


Note: need to confirm whether onboarding has any issue, if fail then need to fall back to R1 solution.

1) will keep onap type and heat type both folders, and

2) will update onap type with TOSCA NFV profile, and

3) will best effort to let 2 use cases use it, if fail, and will fall back to heat type , and

4) will work on improve R3 modeling spec before end of Beijing release

Extra addition related to IM+(including HPA) will be added later

2)Resource IM:        Xu Yang

1? ElementGroup enhancement:

agreed to put them as “experimental” (optional to implement) part of the R2 model, except for scalingGroup which needs further discussion

2? HPA support:

agreed to support the feature in R2 IM

regarding the attributes, 2 concerns have been raised:

l  The definition/specification of the key and value of each attribute is not clear, which makes it hard for people to understand the usage of each attribute and agree on including it into the IM

l  There’re a few attributes in the IM having the same functionality as the HPA attributes (considered as legacy/redundant attributes). Some participants have shown their preference on choosing one way to express certain functionality, e.g., cpu pinning

a poll has been set up to decide which attributes to be included in R2 IM and how people want to deal with the “legacy/redundant attributes”


3? L3AddressData attributes & Polling results:

No time to discuss

3)Service IM/DM:    Lingli Deng & Maopeng (Wednesday call)
4)Modeling workshop in ONS 2017

5) If time allows:

  Modeling spec Papyrus:  Jessie Jewitt

  Modeling tools:               Nigel Davis

  Parser:                              Atul Purohit

  A&AI                                James Forsyth

20180227 Meeting agenda and Minutes

Deadline for modeling spec is M3: Mar. 7th

Implementation of model spec will be before M4

Modeling workshop is needed during ONS 2018, poll on Sunday or Friday

1)DM:               Anatoly Katzman (Anatoly is absent due to traveling, Deng Hui help to lead the discussion)

    1.1) AT&T suggest to keep Heat support , agreed

    1.2) two tosca proposal on the table

       a) https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Data+Model+align+with+TOSCA+NFV+Profile

       b) https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Data+Model+Compliance+with+ETSI

    Suggest a will be R2, b will be a new proposal for R3+ (Consensused), Intel question whether we need b proposal

       Intel: support SOL001/TOSCA NFV DM or code contributor

       ARM: support SOL001

       AT&T(Andy) support TOSCA NFV DM for onboarding,  along with Heat

       Nokia:  support SOL001, code contributor(check)

       Ericsson: support SOL 001/TOSCA NFV DM ,code(check)

       Netcracker: support SOL 001/TOSCA NFV DM

       Huawei: support SOL001/TOSCA NFV DM code contributor

       ZTE:  support SOL001/TOSCA NFV DM code contributor

       China Mobile: support TOSCA NFV DM code contributor


    a) current ONAP IM is more than IFA 11, we need to follow ONAP spec

    b) China Mobile question on SOL001 IPR issue, OASIS TOSCA is more IPR friendly.

2)Resource IM: Xu Yang

      community agreed to do majority vote for the not agreed attributes in the end.

      YANG Xu will organize the call on wednesday and thursday, then put vote spreedsheet on the wiki about the left issues. End of vote will be Monday

      company who disagree with some attbiutes will be recorded

3)Service IM:    Lingli Deng/Maopeng Zhang

      Lingli and Maopeng will make R2 proposal asap.


4) Others (no time to discuss)

  Parser:            Atul Purohit

  Modeling tools: Nigel Davis,

  Modeling spec Papyrus: Jessie Jewitt

  A&AI James Forsyth

20180213 Meeting agenda and Minutes

1)  Resource IM YANG Xu

there is no consensus whether we need to follow ETSI NFV naming convention or change into ONAP naming.

Two polls will be set to decide the naming convention and future meeting time. The polls close on Feb 28th.




2)  Data modeling Anatoly Katzman

DENG Hui: modeling subcommittee have to finalize the 1st draft version by M3 deadline, in this case, we need to allow solutions only 1 week, and make the decision on Feb. 28th.

DENG Hui: there are two solutions on the table now: Monolithic VDU design and TOSCA NFV profile, we are not make decision today, but would get basic impress what company would like to follow:


1) Ericsson  vote for  of ETSI NFV Profile

2) ZTE   vote for  ETSI SOL NFV profile

3) Huawei vote for  ETSI NFV profile

4) Nokia --no one on call

5) Netcracker (Priya TG) vote for ETSI NFV Profile


1) AT&T: Monolithic VDU

2) China Mobile: lacking information to do an informed comparison hence no strong opinion to any specific proposal currently. The options on the table should firstly meet the requirement as a unified DM in the community with consistency to the IM and implementable in Beijing release cadence with vendors support. It would be better if we could align with SDO in the same time.

Next step:

a) check whether we have 3rd solution or not in a week

b) make decision on Feb.27th

3) Modeling tool poll(Jessie)

1) use github for papyrus revision

fine from IM's team (Kevin, Andy, Lingli, and YANG Xu)

Anyway, polling will end by the end of Feb.


20180207 vF2F modeling subcommittee session:

1)  Resource IM Xu Yang

2)  Service IM Maopeng Zhang

3)  Data modeling Anatoly

4)  Centralized Parser Atul

Atul will keep weekly calls for Parser Tiger team from w/c 12th Feb

-  Infosys will help in preparing user stories and requirements, criteria, plan on a page for proposed PoC activity, this will happen as part of modelling project and along side ZTE’s OPNFV parser proposal

- this  PoC will look at various points like

  1. API access of this Parser As a Service, can that be standardized

  2. Exception handling of this interaction

  3. Can a placeholder be created in modelling project to on-board various parsers and abstract them with an API consumers of this idea, what will change for them

  4. The outcomes of this PoC activity may decide if R3 gets a proper / proven proposal for consideration or if the idea is not feasible, it may be dropped

- at the end of PoC, a final call will be take and summary presented to modelling subcommittee to decide on whether it makes sense to peruse this idea further or learnings from the same

5)  Modeling tools Nigel

6) Projects follow up modeling spec discussion (Modeling contact from each Project)

20180123 Meeting Agenda & Minutes

JIRA Modeling 45 Resource DM:   Anatoly Katzman

   Conclusions:: the community agree to work on VDU only in R2, other than VFC/Container style, in future version will consider VDU+VFC/Container hybrid solution

JIRA Modeling 45 Resource IM:    Xu Yang

 1: Kevin

 2: Lingli

   Conclusions: IM will have call about Lingli's contribution next week.

JIRA Modeling 58 Terminology:     Michela Bevilacqua 

Github for Papyrus Jessie

  **Parser tiger:       Atul Purohit


20180123 Meeting Agenda & Minutes

JIRA Modeling 45 Resource IM:    Xu Yang
JIRA Modeling  **  A&AI IM:           Jimmy & Yang Xu
JIRA Modeling 45 Resource DM:   Anatoly Katzman
 -- Alternative VDU            Shitao Li
JIRA Modeling 58 Terminology:     Michela Bevilacqua
VES                                                Alok Gupta
JIRA Modeling  **Parser tiger:       Atul Purohit
Committers update:                        Hui Deng

20180116 Meeting Agenda & Minutes

1) modeling project JIRA review

Data modeling teleconf lead by Anatoly

Terminology lead by Michela

A&AI will have a call with Yangxu about A&AI IM

Yangxu create IFA011 IM doc on the wiki, Kevin and Andy will review and provide feedback

Brian ask to upload papyrus class diagram for IM

2) modeling project M1

Modeling project wiki page will add child page about modeling spec which will link to modeling subcommittee

PTL will send "step down recommendation" email to those committers



20180109 Meeting Agenda & Minutes

1) Vodafone proposal about centralized and external tosca parser

1.1 Atul: the reason pick Aria is because aria is apache based

1.2 SDC: it will bring big change to all projects, it need to be approved by all projects and architecture committee, will also impact each catalog.

1.3 Michael Brenner recommend step by step to check whether it will works or not, first implement

1.4 some of parser couple with component implementation (data model)

Next step: Atul and Hui will build tiger team to handle R2 and R3+ plan



2.1 NFV Parser current plan : Micro service

2.2 javaparser check

2.3 SDC tosca parser





DM people work asap to publish the spec


4) ONAP R2 Service and Resource IM

Nigel needs to finalize the papyrus version asap