[modeling] Datamodel ONAP7, Mon UTC 14:00 / China 22:00 / Eastern 10:00 / Pacific 07:00 / Israel 17:00 / India 19:30

[modeling] Datamodel ONAP7, Mon UTC 14:00 / China 22:00 / Eastern 10:00 / Pacific 07:00 / Israel 17:00 / India 19:30

Data Model Interest Group (created May 31, 2018)
Owner: @Anatoly Katzman

Link to calendar: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-modelingsub/viewevent?repeatid=11002

Time: based on the vote - every Monday, 7:00am PST; 9:00am CST; 10:00am EST; 14:00 UTC; 17:00 Israel; 19:30 India; 22:00 Beijing

Expected duration: 1h



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    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/dIGl7Du4J


List of participants - if you are interested to attend the meeting, please make sure you are on this list. This is in no way a requirement, we just hope that having such a list would let us know each other better and improve communication between the members.

Related Resources

ONAP R3 Resource DM Discussion

ONAP Modeling Subcommittee Mailing List:  Web page, email address    

Meeting Minutes