Interface Type
Interface Type
this is the DM agreed to R2 and maintenance release page version 8.
the final R3 DM is still under discussion.
any change to this page done by someone other then @victor gao or @Michael Lando will be reverted thank you.
Interface Types
tosca.interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.Nfv derived_from: tosca.interfaces.Root instantiate: description: Invoked upon receipt of an Instantiate VNF request instantiate_start: description: Invoked before instantiate instantiate_end: description: Invoked after instantiate terminate: description: Invoked upon receipt Terminate VNF request terminate_start: description: Invoked before terminate terminate_end: description: Invoked after terminate modify_information: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Modify VNF Information request modify_information_start: description: Invoked before modify_information modify_information_end: description: Invoked after modify_information change_flavour: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Change VNF Flavour request change_flavour_start: description: Invoked before change_flavour change_flavour_end: description: Invoked after change_flavour change_external_connectivity: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Change External VNF Connectivity request change_external_connectivity_start: description: Invoked before change_external_connectivity change_external_connectivity_end: description: Invoked after change_external_connectivity operate: description: Invoked upon receipt of an Operate VNF request operate_start: description: Invoked before operate operate_end: description: Invoked after operate heal: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Heal VNF request heal_start: description: Invoked before heal heal_end: description: Invoked after heal scale: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Scale VNF request scale_start: description: Invoked before scale scale_end: description: Invoked after scale scale_to_level: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Scale VNF to Level request scale_to_level_start: description: Invoked before scale_to_level scale_to_level_end: description: Invoked after scale_to_level # indicator_changed: # description: On receiving a VNF indicator value change notification
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