Mapping between SOL001 Model and Internal Model

Mapping between SOL001 Model and Internal Model

We are looking for a sample vendor-provided VNFD which we could use for our discussion about mapping between the two models.


  • provided by a vendor 

  • agreed in general among the vendors 

  • does not have to be of production quality and completeness. Let's start with a good sketch that captures the most vital features

  • speaking of the vital features, here is how I see the shopping list:

    • compliance with SOL001 and SOL004

    • a couple of concrete nodes with their deployment images

    • a few relationships between these nodes 

    • an internal network

    • an external network

    • requirements for infrastructure (CPU, memory, storage, etc.), including a few HPA-level requirements

    • input parameters

    • a lifecycle interface with at least one (better two or three) operations implemented using real script artifacts


vgw.csar - the very first example, provided by @Lingli Deng in July; not exactly SOL001, does not implement the LCM interface

It seems that we need a better example. @Michela Bevilacqua@Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed), @Lingli Deng, anyone else who has an available example/draft - please submit your candidate VNFDs here.