Points to Highlight:
Integration between the ONAP and TOSCA Specs models: based on the tosca.capabilities.network.Linkable and tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable capability types, and, perhaps, substitution of the tosca.nodes.Network nodes
The connectivity is modeled on the "application" level only (VFC), not on the "infrastructure" level (Container)
VFC --< ← CP → >-- VL --< ← CP → VFC ← CP →
Same node type to model both internal and external CPs
QoS modeled as TOSCA policies (targeting VLs)
Address assignment as TOSCA policies (tergeting CPs)
CP Address is an attribute, not a property
Data Types
data_types: onap.datatypes.AddressData: # = tosca.datatypes.nfv.AddressData
Capability Types
capability_types: tosca.capabilities.network.Linkable: # a capability type from the TOSCA Specs tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable: # a capability type from the TOSCA Specs ##### ONAP derivations - to provide information required by the IM onap.capabilities.Linkable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.network.Linkable description: an ability of a network to have traffic through a CP onap.capabilities.Bindable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.network.Bindable description: an indication that the owner node can communicate through a CP
Policy Types
policy_types: onap.policy.AddressAssignment: description: governs address assignment to CPs derived_from: tosca.policies.Root properties: automatic_assignment: type: boolean required: false address_type: type: string required: false constraints: - valid_values: [IPv4, IPv6, Mac] # create derived types to carry extra info, like is_floating_ip, pool size/id, etc. onap.policies.QualityOfService: description: specifies a bunch of QoS parameters derived_from: tosca.policies.Root properties: max_latency: latency_variation: packet_loss_ratio:
Node Types
node_types: onap.nodes.CP: derived_from: onap.nodes.Resource description: a connection point requirements: - binding: description: binding with a VFC capability: onap.capabilities.Bindable occurrences: [1, 1] # exactly one occurrence relationships: onap.relationships.BindsTo - link: description: link to a network capability: onap.capabilities.Linkable occurrences: [1, 1] # Exactly one occurrence; # either spend it with an internal VL (and this is how this CP becomes internal) # or leave it unsatisfied (and thus make the CP external) relationships: onap.relationships.LinksTo # without a relationship, a TOSCA requirement cannot have properties :( attributes: address: type: onap.datatypes.AddressData description: the address received after assignment onap.nodes.VL: derived_from: onap.nodes.Resource description: a virtual link capabilities: link: type: onap.capabilities.Linkable occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED] # can interconnect an unlimited number of CPs
Relationship Types
# We need to be able to assign properties to requirements. # The TOSCA way to do it - by the requirement+relationship combination. relationship_types: onap.relationships.LinksTo: # very similar to the NFV VirtualLinksTo description: an association between a CP and a VL derived_from: tosca.relationships.DependsOn # to participate in lifecycles interfaces: Configure: type: onap.interfaces.relationship.LinksTo.Configure properties: role: description: the role of the port on the network (e.g., Root, Leaf, Peer) type: string protocol: description: the protocol implemented by the port(e.g., Ethernet, TCP) type: string
Interface Types
interfaces: onap.interfaces.relationship.LinksTo.Configure: # do we need an ONAP extension of the standard TOSCA tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure?? derived_from: tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure onap.interfaces.relationship.BindsTo.Configure: # do we need an ONAP extension of the standard TOSCA tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure?? derived_from: tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure
"Local" Node Types
node_types: onap.node.samples.SampleVFC1: derived_from: onap.nodes.VFC: requirements: - host: capabilities: # For every port attached, define a separate binding capability under its own name # do not use the mechanism of occurrences binding_1: type: onap.capabilities.Bindable occurrences: [1, 1] binding_2: type: onap.capabilities.Bindable occurrences: [1, 1] onap.node.samples.SampleVFC2: derived_from: onap.nodes.VFC: requirements: - host: capabilities: binding_1: type: onap.capabilities.Bindable occurrences: [1, 1]
Example VNF Topology
node_templates: vfc_1: type: onap.node.samples.SampleVFC1 requirements: - host: node: vdu_1 capability: host capabilities: binding_1: binding_2: vfc_2: type: onap.node.samples.SampleVFC1 requirements: - host: node: vdu_2 capability: host capabilities: binding_1: binding_2: cp_1: type: onap.nodes.CP requirements: - binding: node: vfc_1 capability: binding_1 - link: # a requirement for an external VL => this is an external CP node_filter: cp_2: type: onap.nodes.CP requirements: - binding: node: vfc_1 capability: binding_2 - link: # linked to the internal VL => this is an internal CP node: vl_1 capability: link cp_3: type: onap.nodes.CP requirements: - binding: node: vfc_2 capability: binding_1 - link: # linked to the internal VL node: vl_1 capability: link vl_1: type: onap.nodes.VL capabilities: - link: # The capabilities of this VL are not exposed through # the substitution mapping => this is an internal VL container_1: type: onap.node.Container capabilities: host: requirements: - cpu: - memory: - storage: - io: - nic: container_2: type: onap.node.Container capabilities: host: requirements: - cpu: - memory: - storage: - io: - nic: policies: cp_address_assignment_1: type: onap.policies.AddressAssignment properties: automatic_assignment: true address_type: IPv4 targets: cp2, cp3 qos_1: type: onap.policies.QualityOfService properties: max_latency: 100 ms latency_jitter: 10 ms packet_loss_ratio: 0.01 targets: vl_1 subtitution_mapping: type: #.... the node type of this VNF requirements: - ext_link_1: mapping: [cp_1, link]
Open Issues:
protocol, role, flow pattern
how do CP and VL express their requirements for infrastructure-level resources: bitrate, perhaps NIC and IO (not sure iwe can use the HPA capability types here, this would be an abuse..)