ONAP R2+ Naming convention discussion

ONAP R2+ Naming convention discussion


Shitao Li:  

OASIS TOSCA has provided the latest explaination for namespace convention last week. For your interesting, you can download the document with the below link for more details.

2017-11-02 - TOSCA Namespacing Explained - Draft.pptx (https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61935&wg_abbrev=tosca)

There are four important keynames need to take into consideration when creating ONAP namespace:

• tosca_definitions_version
•Namespace Alias
•Namespace URI
•Namespace Prefix

Suggestion for ONAP namespace:



1.tosca_definitions_version  ?

•It is suggested to set this value to tosca_simple_yaml_1_2 in ONAP for all the used TOSCA service templates
•Same as tosca-nfv-profile

2.Namespace Alias                  ?

•It is suggested not to set namespace Alias in tosca-nfv-profile unless there is a clear usage of the namespace alias.
•Same as tosca-nfv-profile

3.Namespace URI                    ?

•It is suggested to create a new namespace URI in ONAP for ONAP specific TOSCA types to avoid name conflict. If ONAP requires to use the TOSCA types as defined in other documents (e.g. tosca-nfv-profile),   it can be achieved by“imports” the required documents.
•The URI can be maintained at onap.org

4.Namespace Prefix                ?

•It is  suggested to use “onap: ” as the namespace prefix for ONAP specific TOSCA types,
•e.g. onap: onap.nodes.xxx