ONAP R2+ End-to-End Information Model

ONAP R2+ End-to-End Information Model

This page includes references for composing the ONAP R2+ End-to-End Information Model.

Information Model Inventory

The section captures the current inventory of the various ONAP Information Models and details of each model.


Model Name and Location



Model Name and Location



Service Model

This is a high-level service model that is "agnostic" of the types of services being modeled. The SD and NSD get derived from this model.


SD Model

The Service Descriptor (SD) is a deployment template which consists of information used by the Service Orchestrator (SO) for life cycle management of a service. It references Resource Descriptors (RD). The specification provides examples of descriptors for vCPE and voLTE.



Models WAN as a Service Component.


NSD Model

The Network Service Descriptor (NSD) is a deployment template which consists of information used by the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO) for life cycle management of an NS. It references the VNFFG, VNFD, VLD, and PNFD.


Resource Model

This is a high-level resource model that is "agnostic" of the types of resources being modeled. The VNFD gets derived from this model.


VNF Descriptor Model

VNF Descriptor Topology

A VNF Descriptor (VNFD) is a deployment template which describes a VNF in terms of deployment and operational behavior requirements. It also contains connectivity, interface and virtualized resource requirements. 


VDU Descriptor

A VNFD contains one or more Virtualization Deployment Unit Descriptors (VDUD). The VDU is a construct supporting the description of the deployment and operational behaviour of a VNFC. A VNFC instance created based on the VDU maps to a single virtualisation container (e.g. a VM).


MC Model

A cloud agnostic representation of information across disparate cloud platform providers. Note: This is a presentation only with no actual IM specification.