09-07-2017 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting
09-07-2017 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting
Sonar issues, License issues.
Junit test cases coverage.
AAF integration.
CLI integration
Plan for fixing minor items in Portal/SDK - Track Bugs reported.
Address M3 Checklist - Pending Functional tests.
@Sunder Tattavarada, @Manoop Talasila, @Weiting, @Chris Lott, @Former user (Deleted) @Lorraine, @Farhan, @Kishore Koya
Discussion Items:
Most comments are updated in the JIRA for bugs and closed the items are completed and deployed.
https://jira.onap.org/projects/PORTAL/issues/Sonar coverage is still high priority.
Robert’s PORTAL-79 is still open, checked on VM3.
Ikram has 2 assigned, Portal-57 (relabel widget name in default load) and PORTAL-68 (may assign to Larry?).
Leimeng will follow up AAF team on Portal role centralized management test.
, multiple selections available,