07-26-2017 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting

07-26-2017 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting


Discuss the status of critical items needed for 1.1.0 release.  Share news/info from ONAP July Developer Event. Plan for fixing minor items in Portal/SDK


@Sunder Tattavarada@Manoop Talasila, @Former user (Deleted), @Weiting, @Chris Lott, @Farhan Mir, @Lorraine Welch 

Discussion Items:

  1. More findings on the root cause of "unable to add user" – PORTAL-40

  2. Need to fix DB script for app_role_id=999 – PORTAL-41

  3. Planed deployment steps for Microservices components in VM2 and Rackspace (need separate docker image for microservice) – PORTAL-30

  4. Assigned resource to fix minor issues (Application onboarding)

  5. Shared feedback from ONAP July Developer Event regarding more documentation is needed on SDK UI