E2E Use Case Lab Implementation Discussion Minutes

E2E Use Case Lab Implementation Discussion Minutes

Meeting Minutes:

  1. Discussed the requirement for Integration team to identify ONE lab to help implement the three board approved use case, (one will be implemented at Developer Lab); and clarified some confusion.

    Other labs who are not selected to implement the “gating” test case are encouraged to do it themselves by leveraging the images, template, SD/NFD, etc. used by the community.

  2. Discussed the criteria for the lab to implement each use case: VoLTE and vCPE

  3. China Mobile and China telecom presented what they have in lab

  4. Action Item: Have a poll among Integration committers and Lab representative for the Lab selection. (Helen)
    (Below is the video record for this meeting and slide used for the meeting)

Poll Results:

VoLTE E2E Testing Lab:



1. China Mobile  (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)

2. China Telecom  loses to China Mobile by 7–1

vCPE E2E Testing Lab


1. Intel  (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)

2. China Telecom  loses to Intel by 7–2