2017-7-25 VNFRQTS mtg Agenda & Notes

2017-7-25 VNFRQTS mtg Agenda & Notes

This meeting superseeded by the ONAP wide virtual F-F meeting


  1. Assemble/Welcome (5 min) 



How Achieved

Participant Preparation required

Action items out



How Achieved

Participant Preparation required

Action items out


Review outputs by affected project in ONAP. Participants should be comfortable that the deliverables produced by this project are fit for the purposes of the receiving groups

Discussion with representative of projects identified in project charter as being dependent on VNFRQTS deliverables.

VNF Validation (PTL: Erik Sundelif ) (10 min)

VNF SDK ( PTL: Chris Donley) (10 min)

VNF SDK ( Models lead: Andy Mayer) (10 min)

Documentation (PTL: Greg Glover) (10 min)

Integration (PTL: Helen Chen) (10 min)


vnfrqts Project charter

vnfrqts Epics

vnfrqts User Stories

   3. Any other Business? (5 min)